Wandering the Heart’s family home feels like traversing an endless labyrinth in the middle of a Caucus Race. So far no luck spotting either Jack or the muffins.
“I bet it was Catarina who stole them,” a sleepy voice comes from the shadowy hallway you’re meandering by. “She’s always disappearing off to somewhere or other…” a yawn “…Isn’t she?”
“Quite right, Doris,” you hear Hattie and Harriet’s oh so typically eager-to-gossip intonations.
This has you creeping past as quickly as possible to avoid being spotted. You’d rather deal with those three later.
For now, you’re immersing yourself in the task at hand.
The next room you come to is completely empty. Unlike everywhere else you’ve looked which were overstuffed, overlavish, and way too over the top for your taste.
You just about turn to leave before giving a proper once-over of the space, then you notice something unusual. There’s a wooden bench built into the wall to your left, which has what appears to be a beam of light shining from underneath onto the floor.
How strange?
Intrigued, you bend down to take a look at where the source of light is coming from and find… another door, only this one is very small. Next to it, the light you spotted looks distinctly like sunshine coming through a hole from the other side of the wall, and there’s grass mysteriously growing out onto the floor from underneath the door.
The door, however, is locked.
A glimmering key is conveniently laying in the short grass, but it’s so inconveniently minuscule you can’t even get a grip on it between your fingers.
Fortunately you’re distracted by a tiny, ocean themed bottle filled with blue liquid thats also under the bench and begging to be picked up. It’s decorated with bright purple tentacle-like adornments.
Flipping the bottle over while holding the stopper tightly in place, there are words etched into the bottom reading:
DRINK MEA striking sense of déjà vu hits as you consider the sense in drinking the bottle, but you compulsively can’t seem to keep yourself from doing exactly that as the knowing feeling in your stomach has you removing the stopper.
The briefest moment of hesitation occurs before bringing the bottle to your lips.
Complete one of the following
Jigsaw options to drink the bottle, shrink in size, and use the key to walk through the door! Post your results below, remembering to keep imbedded images within
600x600 pixels.
{click for puzzle}
{click for puzzle}Alternatively you may share a
Memory in
150 words or more of a time you felt you "moved through a door" and transitioned into some new part of your life, or contribute a
Spill The Tea research piece in
150 words or more, sharing interesting, unusual, or little known facts in your own words about any person throughout history.
This task is worth
15 beans, with an additional
15 bonus beans for completing all Week One tasks by end of activity.
Deadline is 11:59pm (HOL time) on Sunday April 30th.