QUESTIONS regarding sapphire keeping must be directed to Ravenclaw Co-Head Prefects, Mia Fountain & Silvana Mandeville.
For the Blue and Bronze teams, sapphires will be factored in along with the other nest-versus-nest competitions held each year between us eagles, such as top house point earners, or over Blue Bronze Olympics held in November. They also, along with any visitors, have the potential to earn themselves a shiny or few!
Anyone who holds a top-two earner position within the blue, bronze, or visitor nests after any January and July activities have been tallied will receive a special award for the previous term, as well as one award for the overall year top earners:
• The Noble Sapphire award:

To the second-highest earner(s) each term.
• The Royal Sapphire award:

To the highest earner(s) each term.
• The Imperial Sapphire award:

To the highest earner(s) each year.
Top Monthly Sapphire Earners
August: Adeline Morior, Aquaria Sandalwood, Galena May - 160; Lex Green, Viviana Kingston - 160; Dibyarup James Potter, Ellie Vernez, Emily Spencer, Janne Halla, Lexa Winslow, River Fenwick - 160
September: Adeline Morior, Galena May - 180; Lex Green, Luna Ravenlong - 180; Ellie Vernez, Janne Halla, River Fenwick - 180
October: Adeline Morior, Galena May - 270; Katherine Laurier - 270; River Fenwick -270
November Adeline Morior, Anne-Marie Gagne, Aquaria Sandalwood, and Galena May - 200; Lex Green, Luna Ravenlong, and Mia Fountain - 200; River Fenwick - 200
December: Galena May - 200; Prof. Kendra Givens - 200; River Fenwick - 200
January: Galena May - 120, Luna Ravenlong - 120, Mia Fountain - 120, River Fenwick - 120, and Scarlet Robloutain -120
Keep track via the Sapphires Spreadsheet.
CONGRATULATIONS to last year’s Noble Sapphire award winners: Anne-Marie Gagne, Dawn Diya, Janne Halla, Lex Green, and Viviana Kingston; the Royal Sapphire award recipients: Adeline Morior, Artemisia Thorne, Dibyarup James Potter, Lex Green, River Fenwick, and Viviana Kingston; and earners of the proud Imperial Sapphire award: Adeline Morior, Dibyarup James Potter, and Viviana Kingston.
Note that Ravenclaw will henceforth be awarding sapphires to our staff members for the activities they organize, which are to be equivalent to the same number offered to participants, including weekly bonuses. Organizers will similarly be given any awards from activities they plan, with the exception of anything extra presented to a winning team or individual(s).