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Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:50 am
by Silvana Mandeville
Prof. Kyrie Adderholt entered the Great Hall followed by the First Years, there are a lot of them. They stood in a line in the front of the Hat. Their faces mixed with excitement, nervousness, and curiosity. Then the hat began to sing, which surprised some of the First Year.

Prof. Kyrie began to read names in the parchment in her hand. "Arya, Aadi," she called and a young First Year stepped forward, put on the hat, for a moment there was a silence before the hat shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The Badgers cheered and clapped as the First Year ran to Hufflepuffs' table. And so the list went on, one by one names got called and sorted into their house.

Silvana was pleased when Elysia sat in front of her, look happy. "Welcome to Ravenclaw, Elysia!"

Task: When the Sorting Hat puts you into your House, how do you feel about it? Do you think the House suits you or do you feel like you belong in another House? Post below in minimum 50 words for 10 beans, by Aug 29, 11:59 PM HOL-time.

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:55 am
by Astor Arensin
I'm a bit torn about my sorting! I'd like to consider myself somewhat of a hat stall, honestly. I feel my traits represent more of a badger, a Hufflepuff, in many ways. I highly value being fair and working hard in many things, especially classes (tying in with Ravenclaw there!). I've also been considered trustworthy and loyal, as well as having a strong work ethic when I am capable of being around. Yet I also have the traits of a Ravenclaw, but perhaps not so much as everyone else here. I do have a passion for learning and all sorts of knowledge, and I'd like to think I'm an intuitive person. Although, I'm not quite high in the qualities of "wit" and "originality" that is found in other eagles. I'm not too much of a quick thinker either. But I am also a perfectionist which can make it hard for me to submit assignments or the like as they aren't satisfactory to me. If only I was a tad more creative!

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:47 am
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
I was, much to my surprise and maybe consternation, Sorted into Hufflepuff. After all, all I knew about Hufflepuff was that (according to Hagrid) they are 'a lot o' duffers'.

So I went there and I found that 'duffers' are rather admirable.

There's a thing that J.K. Rowling wrote
There comes a point in the final book where each house has the choice whether or not to rise to a certain challenge... The Slytherins, for reasons that are understandable, decide they'd rather not play. The Ravenclaws, some decide they will, some decide they won't. The Hufflepuffs, virtually to a person, stay, as do the Gryffindors. Now, the Gryffindors comprise a lot of foolhardy and showoff-y people... the Hufflepuffs stayed for a different reason. They weren't trying to show off, they weren't being reckless. That's the essence of the Hufflepuff house."

We have individuals who shine, a steady and strong glow, who are great to be around. We've got those who are brilliant and creative and make a splash. We also have those who take care of the ones who might have gotten splashed.

We've got 'all the rest', and that is fine.

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:35 pm
by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
When I joined, I was first sorted into Hufflepuff. I was surprised, but not because of any stereotypes (being the “leftovers” house and similar), I just did not think that my characteristics resembled that of the badgers. However, life has a funny way of showing you where you belong and I immediately felt at home.

Things changed and I squibbed. I had a couple of months to think about what to do and where to go. I was in a privileged position so that I could choose a house for myself. But this was even more daunting to me as the question arose “What if I pick wrong?”. I eventually chose Ravenclaw (what I thought I would originally get, either that or Gryffindor) and I think it was the right decision.

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 12:31 pm
by Harry Walles
I am personally very happy with the house I was sorted into! At first, however, I thought I would be sorted into Ravenclaw because I am rather good at logic puzzles and maths. However, I believe my other side won and I was sorted into Hufflepuff because of my fun side.

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:19 pm
by Louis Walles
When I joined HOL and the Sorting Hat put me into the house of Slytherin I was a bit confused. I have always had the impression of Slytherin being that evil house where you will go if you are a very rude and evil person. Currently, I am a very proud Slytherin and happy to be sorted into Slytherin!

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:53 am
by Prof. Will Lestrange
When I sat under the Hat eight years ago (to the day!), I was expecting to end up in Slytherin because the house traits align so well with my values. And that is exactly where I ended up! I do have some traits from the other houses as well, but ambition, cunning, and a fierce loyalty towards one's own all make sense for me as things to strive for! I'm proud of my House and its traits, even we do have a few alumni such as Voldemort that gave the dungeons a bad name...

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:13 pm
by Emily Spencer
When I first sat under the Sorting Hat, I was pretty sure that it would go one of two ways. I would either end up in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. It honestly was a 50/50 chance for either, as I share equal qualities of both. To be honest, I was rather hoping for Slytherin, but I would have been fine either way.

The Sorting Hat must have heard me because Slytherin it was! Honestly, I couldn't be happier with its pick. I still have a lot of Ravenclaw tendencies and traits, but I do think I landed in the House that suits me best.

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:12 pm
by Aurelia West
Upon being sorted into Slytherin I was a bit surprised, as I possess quite a few Ravenclaw characteristics. Upon becoming more involved and meeting some awesome Slytherin mentors however, I realized that I was in the right place for me to grow, so I’ve never looked back. Though I may not be the most ambitious or cunning of the pack, I’ve really learned to embrace my more Slytherin characteristics since I joined

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:01 pm
by Elysia Guerin
At the first time I tried on a sorting hat, I got a Gryffindor. I feel that I fit a little there. Then the second time I tried it, I got Ravenclaw. I don't know why but I feel very comfortable here. It feels like me so much. Then I joined HOL. My friend said 'hope you get into Ravenclaw' then I filled in some of questions and I came to Ravenclaw. I'm so happy to be in Ravenclaw. This house is the best and suits me very well.

Re: Task 9 - Sorting Hat

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:45 am
by Evelin Stockom
Sitting under the Sorting Hat, my nerves were getting all jittery. The various possibilities of being defined in such amazing houses were making me feel anxious. I never saw myself as a Ravenclaw. In my opinion, they were the most logical, intelligent, and smartest in the room. Qualities which I felt I deprived. But I guess I forgot the passion to learn new things, discovering new experiences, and most importantly continuously striving to improve one's self.