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Week 2 - Task#4 | Surviving the Maze

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:14 pm
by Amy Smith
After successfully solving the riddles, you make your way toward a bakery to get yourself a treat. You managed to complete 3 tasks in a matter of days, which not only makes you happy but even more confident. However, you are not over-confident. Just when you are about to open the door to the bakery, you suddenly start flying. You have no control over the flying.

You don't know what's happening, nor do you know where you're going. After what seems like an eternity, you stop flying at a particular location. You then find yourself in the middle of a maze. Being in a middle of a maze, only meant that you had to find your way out of it and apparently you see a sign somewhere stating that, if you managed to get out of it, you would receive the golden spoon, that was stolen from a citizen.

Your task:
Your task is to solve the following maze and send it to me via a PM.

This task is worth 5 beans and if you complete it by the end of this week, you get an additional 5 beans. If you complete it by the end of the week of this tasks posting.

Please send in your answers by 8th July, 11:59 PM Hol Time.