by Galena May » Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:15 pm
"What's got into you? You usually leave people alone, to enjoy themselves in their own unique ways?" Colby asks, "especially on special days like this one?"
"But I can't help feeling that I can help", you respond to Colby.
"But, I am also going to remember that people have their own unique stories, and sometimes it's best not to meddle, unless", you add, and never finish. Colby moves on with their cart. You disappear from behind. You know that Colby's stomach will plummet the moment they discover that you've gone, but you also know that they will follow you right after! Well, you are a pro at handling things, so despite this sentiment, your aim is to have this adventure yourself, and return to Colby when you're done, in your usual style, irrespective of if or not Colby follows you, especially since it is one of those times that Colby doesn't share your meddlesome enthusiasm. You know that Colby won't mind you gallivanting off on your own, they know better than that, and usually they don't like to bother themselves with things that other people like the two weirdos on the train do, since they are a firm believer in "Live and let live". But, you also know that they will come after you just to ensure that you are safe!
"Unless we can help them or prevent something bad!" you finish your last sentence in your mind. But, can you help them? (And, it has to be help of the kind that is better than what could've unfolded naturally) And, is there anything bad going on at all? That is the bigger question. You've learned the hard way not to meddle where it isn't required, but you still can't help but be curious, just to make sure that you don't miss out on doing something that could actually help. You take a long, deep breath, and casually trot down the train's corridor, in the opposite direction this time, just to pass by those two compartments again. On any ordinary day, this would be just another adventure date with Colby (for they do follow you everywhere), but since it is Valentine's day, you are eager to finish this as soon as you can and get back into the holiday mood. "Such a damper!" you say to yourself, not knowing that you are in for the adventure of your life!
First up, you notice that the student in the second compartment hasn't eaten the liquorice wands. They look distracted and fidgety, and keep stealing glances into the corridor, as if waiting for someone to walk down it.
"What's the matter here?" you mumble to yourself.
Next, you take a sidelong look at the first compartment. The mysterious person is still staring intently at the landscape, which still looks exceedingly ordinary, and then it strikes you. They are waiting for some particular spot on the way, to arrive. And then, what will they do? Jump out of the train, or have they planned some sort of sinister sabotage? You hadn't noticed it before, but beads of sweat have formed on the person's forehead and their brows are furrowed in concentration! They aren't eating the chocolate frogs, "because either the chocolate frogs are a tool in their plan, or they are too nervous to eat because of whatever complicated plans they are going over in their head, plotting", you say to yourself! "Should I investigate? Maybe the person in the next compartment knows, that would explain why the person in the next compartment is as fidgety", you think, and your own eyebrows begin to furrow in concentration! "Uh! Sir!", you stammer with pursed lips, trying to give away as less of your suspicion as you can. The mysterious person jumps, and then struggles to look at you and focus their eyes, as if they just came out of a trance. "Those chocolate frogs", you muster all your courage, trying not to be scared of the consequences of bluffing, "Are they all right? My partner and I discovered that there were a few expired ones in our trolley! Nothing wrong with the chocolate! But, the charms may have slightly worn off! You know, the ones that make the chocolate frogs move and leap and bounce", you act particularly childish during the last sentence, bobbing on your toes and trying to imitate a few leaps, looking overexcited in an attempt to look serious (and as normal as possible). If the situation hadn't been serious (at least to you), you could've laughed at your own antics. The mysterious stranger, instead of being amused, merely responds with "They're fine! I will take them as they are!" as if all their effort was going behind keeping a normal expression on their face, but you can tell that they are reluctant to give up on the chocolate frogs that they had bought, because their hand floats to their pocket and settles there nervously as they talk.
"Mixing love potions in chocolate frogs, are they? Waiting for the perfect opportunity to administer!" you think, and almost roll your eyes. With a nod and a smile, you withdraw from the compartment. You are still lost in thought when the train makes a jerky movement, and someone bangs into you from behind. A familiar perfume hits your nose, and you turn around, saying, "Colby". You find them right there, and they ask you where you'd been. You take them a little farther away from both compartments, and communicate whatever you saw, in whispers. You tell them about your suspicions. You say, "I think the mysterious one in the first compartment is plotting something sinister!"
"Yeah! Like you did, to follow me around on the train?" Colby laughs. You can't deny that being a possibility, so you laugh as well and playfully hit Colby's arm. "Maybe", you reply, " or maybe not", you add, looking confused, then conclude, "I don't know, but let's leave this for now", and you take to pushing Colby's trolley, driving the incident out of your mind until fresh inspiration hits either you or Colby about the mysterious man. Colby quietly pushes the trolley with you, looking as relaxed as ever, but you can tell that Colby is thinking hard as well, even though less obsessively than you! Consistency isn't their strong suit, so you know they will forget all about it soon, and you make a mental note to remind them to tell you what they thought about the incident, because you could really use their intelligence as inspiration!

Thank you so much, my secret elf, for my ava + sig!
Beauty is everywhere, if only you will choose to see it!
Galena May for you, a first year witch student at Hogwarts. Say hi if you see me.