Story Train


Moderator: Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Story Train

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Sat Feb 01, 2025 1:27 pm

Posting guidelines:
• Please be respectful and keep things HOL appropriate.
Stay caught up on the story before contributing.
• Use second person, present tense as shown below.
• Written submissions must be at least 100 words for full credit.
• Participants must either wait 24 hours to post again, or until someone else has posted.
• Up to 4 of these 10 posts may be illustrations of the story.
• You MAY post an artistic submission at the same time as (or back to back from) a written submission without waiting, though must similarly not post two pieces of artwork back to back unless the allotted time has gone by.
• Graphics/art must include a brief image description.
• Imbedded imagery should be no larger than 600x600 pixels.
• Your first 10 contributions will receive 10 beans/sapphires apiece, though you are welcome to continue participating further.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Sat Feb 01, 2025 1:27 pm

A special trip has been planned for members of Hogwarts to visit Hogsmeade over Valentine’s Day. The school train is said to be getting enchanted to look, smell, and even taste like gingerbread! It will be bringing people back and forth from morning ‘til night in carts charmed with a variety of magically festive themes.

The only snaffu being that your best friend, Colby, the person you’d most like to spend the day with, agreed to run the train’s food trolly in order to help pay for some of the school supplies they weren’t able to afford this term.

You’d have offered to cover at least some of the items to relieve them of the duty, but have gotten to know each other well enough by now that you respect the offer wouldn't be accepted. So you’ve been playing it off like you’ll miss their presence in hopes they’ll be truly and scrumptiously shocked once your actual intentions are revealed.

Knowing how bummed they are missing out on a lot of the fun, you’ve decided to surprise them by spending time together throughout the day. Moving from cart to cart, enjoying treats of candy and laughter on this special occasion that’s all about celebrating the many different forms of love.

Sharing this holiday with those you care about has always meant a lot to you, be they familial, romantic, or platonic relationships, so the idea of spending time with anybody else or alone in the shops all day are by no means preferable alternatives.

After all, you think to yourself, pawing through your trunk in the dorms and double checking you’re ready to make your way out of the castle, ‘Pervalida ars magica amicitial.’

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Re: Story Train

Postby Janne Halla » Sun Feb 02, 2025 3:20 pm

The corridors of Hogwarts buzz with excitement as students rush to catch the gingerbread-themed Hogwarts Express. The scent of warm cinnamon and nutmeg drifts through the air, making the journey to Hogsmeade feel like stepping into a winter fairytale. You hurry down the steps of the castle, your cloak wrapped tightly around you, heart racing with anticipation.

Colby has no idea what’s coming.

You spot them just outside the train, already dressed in a trolley attendant’s apron, chatting with Madam Rosmerta and the trolly witch whose name you've honestly forgotten, both helping stock up on extra Honeydukes sweets for the day. Colby's shoulders sag slightly, and you can tell they’re trying not to look too disappointed as students board in groups, chattering about the fun awaiting them.

With a deep breath, you step aboard, slipping into the first empty train compartment. It's decorated as a winter wonderland, complete with gently falling snowflakes that vanish before touching the floor. The plan is simple. Ride along, hopping from compartment to compartment whenever Colby’s trolley rolls through.

As the train whistle blows and the gingerbread-flavored steam swirls around the platform, you grin. Let the adventure begin.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Galena May » Mon Feb 03, 2025 3:40 pm

You check your dress again. Not nervous, but trying to look your best for Colby. Your cloak swishes across the floor, as you twirl around to see your beautiful dress. The magic snowflakes leave beautiful white flecks on your shimmery and fluffy pink dress, before disappearing, vanishing into thin air. You look like a gingerbread person wrapped in pink frosting or in cotton candy yourself. You check your hair in your hand mirror, perfectly done, the cascading curls swirling behind your back. Lovely! The thought of Colby's face, the look of surprise on it when they see you everywhere, the joy when they finally realize your plan, the anticipation of it, and the feeling of love and peace, it all lights up your face and your cheeks go rosy red as you feel hot and blush, so you facepalm. Your heart is thumping against your chest, beating so hard in anticipation, your feet are twirling of their own accord, and you are ready.
The compartment is shared by someone else you don't know. They are munching on a huge pink sweet candy, "Little Hearts", it says on their packet. Inside you see what looks like gummy bears with pink fluffy marshmallows shaped like hearts stuck on their chests. You smile! Nice! "Enjoy the ride, my friend" you say in your head to the stranger without speaking, not wanting to disturb their peace, for they look very engrossed! You are too jolly and your spirits too high! There will be many more strangers and non-strangers to meet, as you move through the compartments with Colby, and then cross into the next cart and the next from time to time, bumping into Colby not so accidentally each time. You are going to have a treat of a ride and so much fun, meeting so many people, and of course, meeting Colby, the showstopper you will be waiting for each time!
The train has started moving at a very slow pace, picking up speed bit by bit. The door creaks open and your heart beats loudly. "A magazine, my dear?" says a witch, and you say "Oh!" and look slightly disappointed. She seems to read your sentiment, and says, "Try it, there is a special page on verses to get to the heart of your loved ones and make them feel special". "Oh! thank you, that's exactly what I need", you say, delighted, and buy a copy for a Galleon.
"I'd like one as well", the stranger says, noticing you for the first time, buying off another copy and putting a Galleon into the witch's hand.
"Good luck! my dears", the magazine-witch says, and moves forward.
Even as she disappears, her back still visible around the corner, Colby enters the compartment with their trolley, looking cute in their apron. There's a blush on their face, as they see you, and say, "Oh hi!" Their face lights up, and you are oh so happy!
"Should I leave you something?" Colby asks, still sad about the long day before them, but only slightly relieved to see you in the very first compartment. "I think you will love these fluffy heart shaped candies", they say. You want to give them a sweet surprise, so you deny. You say, "No, let's start with Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Let me guess what flavor's going to pop into my mouth first, I am feeling adventurous. I am ready for a new adventure, and I will walk you through all the compartments to the end of this cart". They are slightly dissapointed that you didn't pick the lovely heart-shaped candies, but you can tell that their eyebrows furrowed in thinking, as they try to decipher what "Let's start with" from you meant. You get up, and walk alongside Colby, helping them distribute the sweets, putting a sweet and charming smile on your face to cheer up their customers in each compartment and help Colby earn, as you simultaneously have fun guessing the flavors of the Every Flavor Beans and chatting with Colby.
As you pass the last few seats, Colby gives your hand a little squeeze, and mouths "I must go into the next cart", sad at leaving you behind. You nod, say goodbye with your eyes, add "Be careful at the crossing between the carts", and turn around, pretending to walk back to your seat, but wink at your own reflection in your hand mirror, knowing fully well that Colby will find you again in the first compartment of the next cart, and the next cart, and the next, and literally everywhere, for a sneaky Valentine surprise! Even though they don't know it yet!
Last edited by Galena May on Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Galena May » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:00 pm


You reminisce the scene in the first compartment, where you first sat.
The enchanted snowflakes are falling all over, around the compartment. Through the flecks of snow, you notice the packet of candy in the hands of the stranger sharing your compartment! It says, "Little Hearts". Inside, you see gummy bears, with fluffy pink marshmallow hearts stuck to their chests.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Janne Halla » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:20 pm

As Colby steps into the next cart, you wait a moment, letting them think you’ve stayed behind. Then, with a quiet chuckle, you slip out, keeping your footsteps light as you trail just behind them, making sure they don’t catch sight of you too soon. Your heart beats a little faster, half from excitement, half from trying not to burst out laughing.

Colby, oblivious to your plan, continues handing out sweets, their face lighting up as they make each sale. You watch as their frown from earlier fades with each smile they receive. Just as they turn to leave the compartment ahead, you duck behind a seat, waiting for the perfect moment.

Then, just as Colby steps into the next cart, you slip through the door behind them and hurry toward the next compartment, beating them there by mere seconds. You take your seat, grab another Every Flavor Bean, and pop it into your mouth just as they enter.

Colby stops in their tracks. Their jaw drops. "Wait—how did you—?"

You shrug dramatically, chewing thoughtfully before grinning. "Cabbage-flavored," you say, sticking out your tongue in exaggerated disgust. "And surprise! Told you, you’d find me everywhere."
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Re: Story Train

Postby Galena May » Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:12 pm

Colby opens their mouth to say something, maybe something like, "Did you really follow me in here?", then checks themselves in time, pinching themselves hard to determine that they weren't dreaming.
"You are still so mischievous, as ever!" Colby says. "Anytime!" you reply, with a broad grin on your face.
"Don't hurt yourself between the carts", Colby says, resigned out of genuine concern for your safety during your antics, but you can tell that they've got butterflies in their stomach, for a blush and a lovely grin spreads across their face.
Only slightly managing to suppress their smile, they invite you to try another candy for this cart. "My treat", they say.
You see them looking at the pink candies they offered you earlier. "No!", you say, in a mischievous tone, "What do you think I want?" And, you grab a packet of Exploding Bonbons, ready to tell a story with each pop, each time one bursts in your mouth. "I'll get the Fizzing Whizzbees later", you say. You see Colby pushing a few of the heart-shaped candies into their pocket, slipping them beneath their apron, certainly to give you later. You smile to yourself. Surely they are expecting you to join them on a few more carts since you mentioned Exploding Bonbons and Fizzing Whizzbees? They know you all too well. In your usual style, you'd beat around the bush, trying different options (in this case, sweets), till you are in the last cart you intend to be with them, and then you will suddenly agree to trying the heart-shaped candies. Surely they've guessed that? Or, maybe, they are just being careful, lest they forget to gift you those heart-shaped candies by the time you are done with your teasing, in their usual way?
"That's charming of them", you think to yourself and smile.
Colby pushes you another huge pack of Exploding Bonbons, and as the first one goes pop in your mouth, and you process the impact, the rush of adrenaline prompts you to become extra-charming for a while, and you bow in a most movie-like way to the next customer, entertaining them thoroughly, and helping Colby sell a few treats to them. Colby suppresses a silent laugh. You can tell that Colby is thoroughly enjoying the ride with you!
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Re: Story Train

Postby Janne Halla » Mon Feb 03, 2025 6:53 pm

"You're really in your element, aren't you?" Colby teases, watching you flourish your arms dramatically as another bonbon crackles in your mouth. The customer, an elderly witch with twinkling eyes, chuckles as she selects a few sweets, clearly delighted by your antics.

"Always," you reply with a wink, tossing a Fizzing Whizzbee into the air and catching it effortlessly between your teeth. The familiar tingling sensation begins in your toes, bubbling up through your limbs. For a fleeting second, your feet barely skim the ground, making Colby shake their head in amused disbelief.

"One of these days, you're going to float right out of here," they murmur, but their eyes betray their fondness for your theatrics.

"Then you’d better catch me," you say, grinning, before grabbing onto the edge of the cart dramatically, as if to anchor yourself. Colby rolls their eyes but doesn’t bother hiding their smile this time.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Matthew Treetop » Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:19 pm

Being caught by Colby while floating slips in your mind for a little while you help them pushing the troley into the last bits of the first cart. You are so enticed by the fact that Colby can be your savor that you do not realize that you have reached the next compartment. "Wake up!", Colby whispers. Something that quickly interrupts your deepest thoughts.

Moving your head to the left, you see someone your age trying to enjoy a bit of the landscape around. Your first thought is that there is nothing more than trees, grass and the ocassional bug, but this person looks as if they are looking for something else. True to their responsibility, Colby softly addresses the person, who shakes in a scary response. "Oh! Sorry if I scared you", Colby expresses. "No, no. It's fine. I'm lured by the view", the person replies. I cannot avoid thinking to myself "what view?" but Colby knows me well and as if he is reading my mind, he glares at me and those thoughts quickly evaporate.

"Anything from the trolley?" Colby inquires. "Do you have those jumping chocolate frogs? They are my favourite treats", the person says. "Sure. Here you are, and be very careful with the charm", Colby responds. The person quickly grabs two chocolate frogs and with a fast move hides them in their robes, coming back to the scenery and ignoring us all together.

With a smile, characteristic of them, Colby puts their hands on the trolley and starts moving it forward to continue working. I put my hands on both sides and make a confused face, trying to see if Colby reacts to what had just happened. "Never mind", Colby mumbles. "How can I never mind? Why is this person looking outside so eagerly? And why not eating the chocolate frogs?", I reply. "Look. Better not to worry. Let's enjoy ourselves and let the other people do what they please in this beautiful train", Colby answers. "For now, I'll follow your lead but you cannot deny that was strange", I finish my line with a sigh.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Janne Halla » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:14 am

As we push the trolley further down the corridor, your mind lingers on the person in the compartment. What could they possibly be looking for in a landscape that seems so ordinary? The thought tickles at the edge of your mind, but you force yourself to focus on the task at hand.

Colby, ever the expert at brushing things off, hums softly as you stop at the next compartment. The door slides open slightly, as if whoever is inside has been expecting you. Before Colby can even ask, a tall, serious-looking student leans forward and whispers, “Did anyone in the last compartment buy something unusual?”

You exchange a glance with Colby, your earlier confusion bubbling back to the surface. “Uh, just two chocolate frogs,” Colby says, keeping their tone neutral. The student frowns, glancing toward the window of the previous compartment as if they can see through the walls.

“Right,” the student mutters, handing over a few coins without even checking the trolley’s selection. Colby shrugs and passes them a licorice wand.

As you leave, you can’t help but whisper, “Alright, that was extra weird.”

Colby exhales sharply. “You’re going to make something out of nothing, aren’t you?”

You smirk. “Absolutely.”
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Re: Story Train

Postby Galena May » Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:15 pm

"What's got into you? You usually leave people alone, to enjoy themselves in their own unique ways?" Colby asks, "especially on special days like this one?"
"But I can't help feeling that I can help", you respond to Colby.
"But, I am also going to remember that people have their own unique stories, and sometimes it's best not to meddle, unless", you add, and never finish. Colby moves on with their cart. You disappear from behind. You know that Colby's stomach will plummet the moment they discover that you've gone, but you also know that they will follow you right after! Well, you are a pro at handling things, so despite this sentiment, your aim is to have this adventure yourself, and return to Colby when you're done, in your usual style, irrespective of if or not Colby follows you, especially since it is one of those times that Colby doesn't share your meddlesome enthusiasm. You know that Colby won't mind you gallivanting off on your own, they know better than that, and usually they don't like to bother themselves with things that other people like the two weirdos on the train do, since they are a firm believer in "Live and let live". But, you also know that they will come after you just to ensure that you are safe!
"Unless we can help them or prevent something bad!" you finish your last sentence in your mind. But, can you help them? (And, it has to be help of the kind that is better than what could've unfolded naturally) And, is there anything bad going on at all? That is the bigger question. You've learned the hard way not to meddle where it isn't required, but you still can't help but be curious, just to make sure that you don't miss out on doing something that could actually help. You take a long, deep breath, and casually trot down the train's corridor, in the opposite direction this time, just to pass by those two compartments again. On any ordinary day, this would be just another adventure date with Colby (for they do follow you everywhere), but since it is Valentine's day, you are eager to finish this as soon as you can and get back into the holiday mood. "Such a damper!" you say to yourself, not knowing that you are in for the adventure of your life!
First up, you notice that the student in the second compartment hasn't eaten the liquorice wands. They look distracted and fidgety, and keep stealing glances into the corridor, as if waiting for someone to walk down it.
"What's the matter here?" you mumble to yourself.
Next, you take a sidelong look at the first compartment. The mysterious person is still staring intently at the landscape, which still looks exceedingly ordinary, and then it strikes you. They are waiting for some particular spot on the way, to arrive. And then, what will they do? Jump out of the train, or have they planned some sort of sinister sabotage? You hadn't noticed it before, but beads of sweat have formed on the person's forehead and their brows are furrowed in concentration! They aren't eating the chocolate frogs, "because either the chocolate frogs are a tool in their plan, or they are too nervous to eat because of whatever complicated plans they are going over in their head, plotting", you say to yourself! "Should I investigate? Maybe the person in the next compartment knows, that would explain why the person in the next compartment is as fidgety", you think, and your own eyebrows begin to furrow in concentration! "Uh! Sir!", you stammer with pursed lips, trying to give away as less of your suspicion as you can. The mysterious person jumps, and then struggles to look at you and focus their eyes, as if they just came out of a trance. "Those chocolate frogs", you muster all your courage, trying not to be scared of the consequences of bluffing, "Are they all right? My partner and I discovered that there were a few expired ones in our trolley! Nothing wrong with the chocolate! But, the charms may have slightly worn off! You know, the ones that make the chocolate frogs move and leap and bounce", you act particularly childish during the last sentence, bobbing on your toes and trying to imitate a few leaps, looking overexcited in an attempt to look serious (and as normal as possible). If the situation hadn't been serious (at least to you), you could've laughed at your own antics. The mysterious stranger, instead of being amused, merely responds with "They're fine! I will take them as they are!" as if all their effort was going behind keeping a normal expression on their face, but you can tell that they are reluctant to give up on the chocolate frogs that they had bought, because their hand floats to their pocket and settles there nervously as they talk.
"Mixing love potions in chocolate frogs, are they? Waiting for the perfect opportunity to administer!" you think, and almost roll your eyes. With a nod and a smile, you withdraw from the compartment. You are still lost in thought when the train makes a jerky movement, and someone bangs into you from behind. A familiar perfume hits your nose, and you turn around, saying, "Colby". You find them right there, and they ask you where you'd been. You take them a little farther away from both compartments, and communicate whatever you saw, in whispers. You tell them about your suspicions. You say, "I think the mysterious one in the first compartment is plotting something sinister!"
"Yeah! Like you did, to follow me around on the train?" Colby laughs. You can't deny that being a possibility, so you laugh as well and playfully hit Colby's arm. "Maybe", you reply, " or maybe not", you add, looking confused, then conclude, "I don't know, but let's leave this for now", and you take to pushing Colby's trolley, driving the incident out of your mind until fresh inspiration hits either you or Colby about the mysterious man. Colby quietly pushes the trolley with you, looking as relaxed as ever, but you can tell that Colby is thinking hard as well, even though less obsessively than you! Consistency isn't their strong suit, so you know they will forget all about it soon, and you make a mental note to remind them to tell you what they thought about the incident, because you could really use their intelligence as inspiration!
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Re: Story Train

Postby Galena May » Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:51 pm

The enchanted school train, looking like an enormous gingerbread toy with pink frosting, and spewing fluffy pink smoke instead of steam from the engine, moves past a lovely meadow. Inside, are witches and wizards of different descriptions, occupying the carts.
Last edited by Galena May on Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Janne Halla » Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:18 pm

As you and Colby push the trolley down the corridor, a faint but distinct clink echoes from the previous compartment. You freeze for a moment, exchanging a glance with Colby. The way the mysterious stranger in the previous compartment reacted was strange. Their head snapped toward the window, fingers twitching over the pocket where the chocolate frogs had been stashed. Something was definitely off.

Colby shrugs. "Maybe they just dropped a spoon or something."

You shake your head. "No. That was different. It sounded deliberate. Like something being set into place."

Colby sighs but humors you, leaning casually against the trolley. "Okay, Sherlock, what now?"

You hesitate, then glance back at the second compartment. The fidgety student has shifted their attention completely to the corridor now, watching with unmistakable anxiety. They’re waiting. For something. For someone.

"We need to find out what that thing in their pocket is," you whisper. "And we need to figure out if the fidgety one is scared or in on it."
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Re: Story Train

Postby Galena May » Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:09 pm

Colby looks a bit scared. Although used to accompanying you on your adventures, they aren't quite fond of meddling in others' business.
"C'mon, we just have to get these people to talk, and fish out some information", you say to Colby.
"Alright! Let's do this!" they mutter, "you take the first one and I will take the second". Charmed by their eagerness to help, you smile, and add, "I will meet you here after we are done", as if promising a reward. Colby looks pleased, and they move off to their part in the story.
Meanwhile, you enter the first compartment and take the seat opposite the mysterious person. "So tired from the trolley pushing", you say, "I think I need some rest" smiling at them. They don't seem happy to see you.
Suddenly, as if that was their only means of escape, they get up and dash out of the compartment at a furious pace, clutching their pocket as if it contained their life in it!
"Wait! Whaaaa_!" and you follow after them instantly, your fluffy pink dress snagging on the corner of a gingerbread berth of the train. As you pull it away, you break a large chunk from the berth by accident. Gingerbread trains aren't the best place for adventures, you think to yourself, taking a broad step round the broken edible chunk.
Meanwhile, you also notice the fidgety one from the next compartment run out after the mysterious one, giving chase. You see Colby attempting to hold them back in vain, then giving up and following after both of them, then taking a quick glance backwards at you, then running after them again. Freeing your dress properly, you run after all of them, but there's another lingering thought in your mind. You had seen an empty potion vial under the broken gingerbread berth, and you now know that something is wrong. What could the potion have been used for? You try to focus on the rapidly unfolding emergency action, as lingering images of the empty potion vial haunt your brain and your brain attempts to think even as you run, then surrenders to the adrenaline rush, and you forget all about the empty potion bottle. You give in to the excitement of the moment, the excitement of the chase!
Last edited by Galena May on Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Story Train

Postby Galena May » Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:36 pm

Flashbacks of the image of the mysterious man's compartment haunt your brain.
The broken gingerbread berth, the empty potion vial visible through the crack! You remember it all too well! Even the side-table near the window, shaped like two gingerbread houses apposed against each other by their bottoms, and the mug of hot chocolate with white marshmallows soaking in it, kept dangerously close to the edge, on top of the side-table! Very vividly!
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