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Rowena's Honor Award 2.0

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:58 am
by Prof. Kyrie Adderholt

An honour presented to an exemplary Ravenclaw, who honours his or her house in its highest way. The winner of this award is truly a magnificent example for the rest of the house -- he or she is kind, respected and accomplished.

Ever since I found out I was getting HoH (not an easy secret to keep btw!), I knew one of my very first acts would be giving out this award. I knew the recipient would never give it to herself (and her pick this year was absolutely 110% deserving), so I decided I would do it. She's been a member of HOL for 13+ years. She has been Ravenclaw DHoH/HoH for six years and there is not a single prefect or reserve prefect in Ravenclaw that wasn't hired by her. She was a prefect, Head Girl, RQT Co-Captain, and the fiercest beater HOL has ever seen. More importantly, she's been my friend for 7 years. I've wanted to tackle her, strangle her, or shove her off a cliff many times...especially when she replies with stickers on Facebook. She got me into quidditch and created that monster (this is where she says "sorry, not sorry"). She's been my defense against morons and the first one to tell me to pwg. We've been through everything from crazy online dramz to attempted assassinations by vans.

Yes, I know she's still going to be around, but all the work she's done for everyone in Ravenclaw up to this point deserves some acknowledgement. I could go on and say a million more words to describe her, but instead I'll just leave it at this:



(when you see this, Cassie, and need to start yelling, Sil is to blame)

Re: Rowena's Honor Award 2.0

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:19 am
by Prof. Ryan Granger
Dearest Cassie,

I know I haven't always been the easiest person to deal with, (especially when I was younger, but that's another story for another time. >_>) but you saw something in me and decided to give me a chance and for that I will forever be grateful. You've done so much for Ravenclaw and HOL that we'll forever be in your debt. You've played a huge part in making memories for students whether it be them getting slaughtered on the quidditch pitch by you or playing Lobiesk Survivor in #ravenclaw. You've been the voice of reason when things got heated, and you've been the first person who encouraged my love of T-Swizzle.

Do I think you deserve the Rowena's Honor Award? Not in the slightest. I think you deserve 50 Rowena's Honors. (And no I'm not just saying that because we all know you hate them.) You deserve so much recognition for every thing that you've done.

So I want to say thank you one more time for being the best Head of House anyone could ever ask for. You'll truly be missed.

-Ryan T-Swizzle Granger

P.S. Kyrie said I could post here >_>

Re: Rowena's Honor Award 2.0

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:09 am
by Prof. Arielle Lemoyne
Cassie - Even though I don’t know you that well, I’ve always admired you and considered you as one of the coolest people on HOL. I can’t think of anyone else who’s accomplished as much as you have, and you always just know the right way to handle every situation. I think you’ve been HoH for as long as I’ve been on HOL, and it’s hard to imagine what it would have been like without you. I have many fond (although fuzzy) memories of when I first joined, and although I can’t quite recall the details, I know your fabulous irc personality was part of them.

Thanks again for everything you’ve done for Ravenclaw. I’ll definitely miss having you as one of Ravenclaw’s greatest leaders, but I’m glad you won’t be going too far away.

<3 Arielle

Re: Rowena's Honor Award 2.0

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:00 am
by Prof. Silmarien Szilagyi
Cassie, Kyrie said it as well as I could, but I want to add some of my own things, too (even if I might get the trophy/award/thingy thrown at me?). When I first started hanging out on IRC, I admit I was a little awestruck (read: intimidated) by this Haruhi, who was animated and so well-liked and prone to break out into ALL CAPS SONG. None of those qualities have changed, but now I know that she is also supremely fair, smart, and kind, and also a very good friend. We've been through John Crichton+Aeryn Sun ("Beyond hope"), countless other fangirl squee sessions, and, along with Kyrie, the dicey Kazakhstan Incident. I am still impressed by her for all the work and good things she has done in Ravenclaw, from HoH to Alte EiC. It would certainly have been a much poorer place without her.

Okay, I'm going to end this before it sounds like a sappy obituary. >> Congratulations, Cassie! <3333333333

(As to Kyrie's accusation, I have evidence that discounts it <<)

Re: Rowena's Honor Award 2.0

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:28 am
by Prof. Cassandra Lobiesk
You guys. Are. Ridiculous. Stahp.

I totally didn't tear up. Nope. Nuh uh.

Re: Rowena's Honor Award 2.0

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:13 am
by Kaiwa Alexandra
Congratulations, Cassie!
I'm so glad to see this email because you're really deserved this.
Every time I see award winners I always hope to see more your names on it but apparently you've done some magic to prevent that happening >>
Yes, be more around, don't go too far away, and can I at least expect to see you playing quidditch again? ><