What classes is everyone taking?

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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Clover Lockhart » Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:19 am

HOL 101 since i just joined xD
Patronus 101
Muggles and Magic Collide- pending
Parseltongue for Beginners- pending
Transfiguration- pending

I'm quite excited for all these classes and the first lesson in Patronus 101 was amazing. :)
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Sparky McPup » Wed May 06, 2020 3:56 am

I'm new to HOL and I would like to do 5 classes but I'm lazy :lol:
HOL 101
Parseltongue For Beginners
Care of Magical Pets
Apparition License Class
At least I'm taking 4. :D
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Cleo Toughri » Wed May 20, 2020 6:42 pm

I'm taking HOL 101, Herbology, Magical Business Studies, Patronus 101, and the History of Witchcraft. The ones I hope to pass are HOL 101, if I get full points, and Patronus 101, same as from HOL 101
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Jansen Cullipher » Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:34 am


I am a new student, and first year, here at Hogwarts Online. As I am currently enrolled in another university full time, I followed the template my university has for class schedules and transferred it to my approach to schedules here. At my university five classes a semester (one term) is full time, and you can only take extra classes under special circumstances. As it is my first year I also tried to choose introductory classes. Currently I am enrolled in:

1. HOL 101
2. A Visit to Diagon Ally
3. Wand Making
4. Transfiguration (Still Pending)
5. Ancient Alchemy

Most of these are just the basics that I think you need to build upon in your education here at Hogwarts and for your future wizarding career. A prompt in the Library, asking what career I would want if I were to decide to work within the wizarding world, sparked an idea in my head. Researching the Anthropology of Magic sounds like an amazing career, but as a first year I am not eager to rush into deciding the path I want to go in. I decided to take Ancient Alchemy to see if its truly a path I want to go down, hopefully its as fun as I anticipate it to be. If you have any of the same classes as me, feel free to message me, I would love to discuss the topics of my class and dig deeper with a classmate! After all, just because their is a pandemic, it doesn't mean we can't socialize online here on HOL!
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Jask Hollow » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:45 pm

I'm taking a tour of diagon alley :D :cool: :lol: 8) :)
HOL 101
And others
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Septima Lestrange » Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:15 am

hi hi this is my first term so I’m taking HOL 101 & Visit to Diagon Alley, then I also am doing Herbology, Divination, and Care fo Magical Creatures, all just one term classes. I’ve turned in all my HOL 101 assignments already but am kind of just starting the others. I think I’m going to buckle down and finish my DA homework tomorrow.
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:28 pm

Got accepted into the following classes this semester, and already off to a great start/REALLY enjoying them!!

Mysteries of the Lake" with Prof. Rorey Padfoot
"Occlumency" with Head Student Maxim Trevelyan
"Pokémon Academy" with Prof. Tom Foster
"Potions" with Prof. Zoki Phantom
The Unforgivable Curses" with Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Alondra Gonzalez » Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:39 am

Hi guys! My name Is Alondra, I'm in my first term and I'm a Slytherin!
I'm taking...

- HOL 101
- Apparition for Beginners
- Auror Training Levels One and Two
- Parseltongue for Beginners
- The Unforgivable Curses

I'm super excited to learn so many new things this year!
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Zee Chibuike » Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:15 pm

Hey, I'm actually half Ravenclaw but I got sorted into Hufflepuff here! Anyway, I'm taking four classes out of the five I can; The World of Fiction, Beginner's Guide to Villainy (my favourite I totally recommend!!), HOL 101 (first-year life lol, it's actually why I'm here) and How to Roleplay. Ive really loved the classes so far, I can't wait for next term so I can take more :D

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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Hermione Lasker » Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:00 am

I am taking'

Apparition for Beginners
HOL 101
Muggle studies for beginners
Philosophy in Harry Potter

They are all one term classes
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Aedrie Rose » Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:43 pm

I took
Intro to Diagon Alley
Ancient Civilisations

I also realised that 5 classes might be too many... or i didn't organize/manage the assignments well enough.
Best wishes for next term!
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Silvana Mandeville » Mon Mar 08, 2021 11:13 pm

This term I am taking Basic Healing, Chinese Festivals, Flying, Mysteries of the Lake, and Occlumency :)
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Hannah Lovegood » Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:19 am

I am taking Chinese Festivals, Patronus 101, HOL 101, Astrology and Harry Potter, & Wand-making.
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Aurelia West » Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:20 pm

This term I'm taking Superhero Studies, Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, The Unforgivable Curses, The World of Fiction, and History of Hogwarts: The Professors. The first three have monthly deadlines while the last couple are end of term. I'm really enjoying all of the lessons so far and am excited to progress further into these topics!
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Re: What classes is everyone taking?

Postby Inez Herondale » Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:13 pm

Hi! :D
This year I'm taking:
A Beginner's Guide to Villainy
Defense Against the Dark Arts
HOL 101
This is my first year and I'm super excited!
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