Around the World in 80 Schools

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Around the World in 80 Schools

Postby Kasho Kakichi » Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:30 pm

Hi All,
Though not a Ravenclaw by sorting, there definitely is a Ravenclaw part of me at heart. I got to thinking though, Seeing as I'm a foreign exchange student at Hogwarts, If I wasn't going to go to wizarding school here, then where would I have gone? Somewhere close to home like Mahoutokoro, or far away and somewhat specialized like Castelobruxo. So I pose you a question. If you chose not to go to Hogwarts, what wizarding school would you rather have attended, anywhere across the globe?
Kasho Kakichi
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Re: Around the World in 80 Schools

Postby Adeline Morior » Fri Sep 08, 2023 2:09 pm

If I could choose anywhere other than Hogwarts, I would go to Castelobruxo (Central Brazil), or Mahoutokoro School of Magic (Japan). The closest to me would be Uagadou School of Magic (Uganda) which I would consider. But all in all, I love Hogwarts.

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