Favorite Piece of Trash

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Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Rose Dove » Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:42 pm

I know this is a weird question (I got it from an old icebreaking activity I participated in when I was younger).

What is your favorite piece of trash? It can be what you enjoy throwing out or a specific item that is usually found in trash cans or anything else you can think of.

My favorite piece of trash is any piece or pieces of fruit.
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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Silvana Mandeville » Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:00 am

This is indeed a weird question, but mine is papers. :D
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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Adeline Morior » Thu Aug 03, 2023 10:36 am

Mine is definitely also paper. Or even scraps of material.

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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:09 pm

I've never actually thought about this before. I think it'd have to be bubble wrap. They're fun to squeeze and pop before disposing of them. Especially the bigger ones that we get in our Amazon packages. Those make a really loud noise when they pop.

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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Aquaria Sandalwood » Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:40 pm

I think mine is dryer lint. It is so satisfying to clean out the lint trap and throw it away :lol:
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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:38 am

My favourite pieces of trash are probably neatly cracked eggshells.

Cooking is my hobby and whenever I cook using eggs, I try to crack them as neatly as possible into 2 halves without any tiny pieces breaking off, then I stack them on top of each other by putting one half into the other and dispose them off properly.
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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Katherine Laurier » Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:04 am

Definitely an interesting question, but I'll say cardboard. It's super easy to upcycle and make crafts or gifts with!
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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Viviana Kingston » Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:09 am

I think my favourite piece of trash is the hair you remove from hair brushes. I find a weird pleasure it pulling it out and rolling it into a tiny ball that gets thrown away.
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Re: Favorite Piece of Trash

Postby Hiya Debnath » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:20 am

My favorite piece of trash is paper or anything made of paper. I find it very difficult to throw paper. I might first try to write on it till there's no space, then fold into different shapes and finally be able to dispose it off.
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