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Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:45 am

Everyone has a favorite color, game, movie, TV show, song, or book. Those are normal things that people think of when asked about their favorite things. What people might not think about are their favorite letters. I know I sure didn't until my nephew told me one day that his favorite letter was "y".

So! I'd like to know a few unconventional favorites of yours!

What's your favorite letter? Do you have a favorite number? How about types or brands of shoes? Or anything else that's your favorite that most people don't think to ask about? I would also like to know if you have an unpopular or odd favorite for any of the normal favorite questions.

I'll start off with some of my own! Ever since my nephew told me he had a favorite letter I decided I wanted one too! So I picked the letter "x". My favorite number is 625. Favorite shoe brands are Converse and Vans. Grey is one of my favorite colors. My favorite animals are raccoons.
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Re: Favorites

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:59 am

I’m a big fan of discussing favorites.

As someone who works with young children, I also love and embrace how fluid the term can be.

My FAVORITE favorite number is 3, but I love 4 and 7 as well. I also love combinations of the three, but the power combo for me is 734.

My favorite color is blue, but I have a hard time sticking to a favorite shade. I love both greenish blues and purplish blues. For a long time I stood fast by periwinkle, but if I’m honest, these days I favor shades that lean more toward aqua.

Favorite letter is S, favorite food is an Indian mixed grill I love to order locally, and favorite animals are similarly raccoons, along with octopi.
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Re: Favorites

Postby Adeline Morior » Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:14 am

This is fun.

I would say my favorite numbers are 2, 3 and 7 but I love combinations of duplicate numbers such as 555, 444 and 111, my ultimate would be 732.

My Favorite Color is Aquamarine but I love many colors as an artist and would just stick to one, some of my other favorites are Wine reds, crimsons, dark forest greens, beige (like the color of the sand on a beach), white and burned orange, blues and pinks. Also love soft colors or moody colors.

My favorite letter would probably also be S. My husband and Children names all begin with S so that's probably why. :D

Shoes is hard as I love type of shoes more than brands. As a Fashion designer I always look at the design and shape, unique attributes etc. I do love boots. Any sort of boots, ankle, high calve, any form or shape, any color. I am obsessed with always wearing boots. No matter the brand. I do like Vans, All stars and Bohemian style sandals too, so will wear them from time to time.

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Re: Favorites

Postby Viviana Kingston » Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:06 am

My favourite letter is V
My favourite number is 14
My favourite brand of shoes is sketchers
My favourite book series is Percy Jackson
My favourite TV series is F4 Thailand
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Re: Favorites

Postby Evie Figg » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:41 pm

I love favourites! I make lists all the time lol! My favourite letter has always been E, as my real name also begins with the letter E, just like my HOL name.

My favourite number is 7, as I was born on February 7th! (My mom was born on August 7th, so we're half-birthday twins, so her favourite number is 7, as well!)

Favourite shoes? I do not think about brands as I like to thrift shop, however I loved Converse as a teen so if I were to pick a favourite, that would be it.

As far as other unconventional favourites go, that's just the thing. I am constantly making lists of my favourite things throughout my life. Whenever I am presented with a collection of items, my brain automatically picks out which ones are my favourites. I suppose it's because I am an avid collector and I love collecting things!

Recently, while watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I began to screenshot all of Sabrina's cutest outfits! I watched Season 1 and 2, and made a collage for both seasons, based on my favourite outfits of hers from both seasons. I am a huge fan of fashion so it isn't so much of a stretch for fashion lovers to take note of clothes in media, however I suppose creating a collage of my favourite outfits would be considered unconventional :lol:
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Re: Favorites

Postby Hiya Debnath » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:17 am

My favorite letter is S.
My favorite number is 6.
My favorite shoes are black leather boots.
I would like to ask people which is their favorite month in the year? : D
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Re: Favorites

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Wed Feb 07, 2024 5:39 pm

Ohh Hiya that's a great question most people don't really ask!

I, personally, have two months that are my (close) top two months. October because that's when it really starts to feel like fall and because of Halloween. And June because despite me really disliking the summer heat, my birthday is in June (and several of my other family members) so it has a top spot haha
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Re: Favorites

Postby Hiya Debnath » Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:00 am

I love your reply for several reasons, Anne-Marie. Firstly, the reason behind me asking that question is because I am confused about my favorite month. It could be May, my birth month, but that's in summer, and I confused whether my favorite season is autumn (Durga Puja holidays and pleasant temperatures) or spring (no exams or exams just ended, sunny but not hot weather, and lots of flowers), and I am very confused whether my favorite month is October (Halloween and Durga Puja) or May. Well, maybe both, but your reply intrigued me because of being quite similar to mine, hahaha. : )
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Re: Favorites

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:26 pm

1. My favourite colour is Navy Blue.

2. My favourite number is 10, because of Lionel Messi.

3. My favourite months are June (my birthday), October (Durga Puja and the start of the Bengali festive season as a whole), December (because the Christmas mood starts setting in, and it is time to decorate my house with Christmas decorations and go shopping for all my baking needs for Christmas and Winter as a whole.)

4. My favourite letter is "D".

5. My favourite TV shows are Game of Thrones, Peaky Blinders and House of the Dragon.

6. I don't have a favourite shoe brand, but my favourite type of shoes are all kinds of boots, including, Chelsea, Jodhpur, Balmoral, Winter, Combat and Office Boots (with or without the lace).
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