What is your favourite Valentine’s Day activity?

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What is your favourite Valentine’s Day activity?

Postby Adeline Morior » Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:39 am

Since it is February and we are headed into our Valentine's month, I was thinking let's chat about it.

I myself aren't someone that celebrate the occasion but I cannot help to love the vibe and atmosphere of all the excitement and happy faces. Valentine's is a cute theme. So hubby and I decided we would go out for Valentine's and do what we love to do. Eat cake. We decided to go to a nice fancy cake place and make an adventure about it. Dress up and have fun.

What about you? What is your favourite Valentine’s Day activity? Tell us below.

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Re: What is your favourite Valentine’s Day activity?

Postby Hiya Debnath » Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:39 pm

Idk. Sleeping? xD
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Re: What is your favourite Valentine’s Day activity?

Postby Viviana Kingston » Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:08 pm

My sister was born on Valentine’s so we usually have a party celebrating the occasion & cut a cake. But my favourite activity is usually when we exchange or gift Valentine’s gifts to our loved ones, I love seeing their faces when they’ve seen I’ve made something for them!
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Re: What is your favourite Valentine’s Day activity?

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:46 am

My favourite Valentine's Day activity is to go on an elaborate date with my wife. First, I will arrange for some flowers and make sure I am carrying the gifts I planned to give her. After we meet, I'll give her the gifts and then we will go get some snacks. Next, it is time for a movie. After that, we will go for lunch at a nice restaurant. After the lunch, it is time for ice cream. And that's it. This is my favourite Valentine’s Day activity. :)
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