Roost Booster Award

Moderators: Prof. Ryan Granger, Head Staff

Roost Booster Award

Postby Prof. Laffengraff » Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:26 am


This is a new award this year. It is presented to those Eagles who keep the Roost alive without spamming! Without you, this place would be Deadsville. I am very happy to present the Roost Boosters Award to the following Eagles who wrote 100 or more posts here this year.

Allanna Branwen Culwich
Alicia Granger
Angelus Darklost
Cassandra Lobiesk
Celestia Starr
Conary Barclay
Ella Dowling
Hari O'Duibhleargain
Kimaire Seloiro
Lalaine Goolia
Leah Samson
Lisa Saunders
Malien Clementielle
Ody Moody
Ophelia Kokafones
Saphire Nightingale
Taylor MacPherson
Tinuvie Levante

Special recognition goes to ELLA DOWLING for posting 435 times!! (At last count)
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure" (Luna Lovegood)
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Postby Birgjit Lien » Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:40 am

Good job, everyone :D
Birgjit Lien

Postby Celestia Starr » Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:16 am

Ella, you're a mad crazy poster! *g* Good job keeping this place hopping, everyone! <3!
Celestia Starr

Postby Capella Silkistija » Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:16 am

Congrats, all of you! :D
Capella Silkistija

Postby Lisa Saunders » Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:47 pm

Yay!! No ghost-roost!
Lisa Saunders

Postby Alecia Amethysta » Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:34 pm

Great Job everyone!! Wow Ella <3 thats a lot of posting! :D Thanks to you all there's always something interesting to read around here!
Alecia Amethysta

Postby Anonymous » Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:51 pm

Wow Ella!!! You postaholic, you! :P Wow...I didn't realize I posted that much...*cough*
*hugs you all*

Postby Prof. Cassandra Lobiesk » Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:52 pm

*squishes Elladoll and whistles* Were you stalking Moody again? Oh, wait, that's me! *g*

Congrats to all for being active participants in this beautiful house!
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Postby Ryan Lobiesk » Sun Jul 04, 2004 7:00 pm

Congrats to you guys!! ^___^
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Postby Evelyn Moon » Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:15 pm

w00t, yay for keeping the roost alive!

and go Ellawife<3!!! 435 o.o!

Evelyn Moon

Postby Anonymous » Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:39 pm

*giggles* Wow..i never really looked at post count. It's worth it, to be talking to all of you, and making friends :) Congrats to the rest of you!! *hugs*


Postby Sayuri Anderson » Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:43 pm

Congratulations to you all, and especially to Spongy!!! 435 posts - that's amazing! O.O <333
Sayuri Anderson

Postby Prof. Angelus Darklost » Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:58 am

*follows in Ella's shadow*

She has taught us all well...*nods* Congratulations to all for contributing so much to the way of life here in Ravenclaw. Y'all are fabulous!!!
Prof. Angelus Darklost
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Postby Kimaire Seloiro » Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:59 pm

*hugs Ella and everyone else* Thanks for keeping this place alive, we need all of you to do it. :lol:
ki007 | Prefect for the M-R nest | Head Prefect

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Postby Hari O'Duibhleargain » Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:44 pm

Congrats to all of you! :)
//Queen of Bluebonnets//The 4th Sistah//
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