Part 1 - New Student


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Part 1 - New Student

Postby Silvana Mandeville » Wed Feb 01, 2023 12:26 am

There is a new student at school, their name is Anon. The new student seems very kind and humble, also smart and attractive. Anon became popular in the week they arrived. You want to get closer to Anon but you are too aloof and don't want to do what most people do.

Write a short story about your advance to get closer to Anon. How and what would you do to get this person to notice you? Post your story in 100 words or more below by February 28th, 11:59 PM HOL-Time.
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Dominick Salinas » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:00 am

To get Anon to notice me, I would definitely do something unattractive (in retrospect) to get their attention. My one working brain cell often does not process social situations the way it should, so, in my head, doing a stupid dance in front of them or trying to impress them by showing off would totally be my go-to and is a solid plan of action. I think that laughter is the way to their heart, but, in all honesty, it is probably my one-way ticket to the friend zone. Do they notice me? Absolutely. Are they attracted to me afterwards? Absolutely not. My flirting game needs a lot of work.
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Emily Spencer » Thu Feb 02, 2023 4:57 pm

Some people are natural-born flirts. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. So counting on my stellar wit, enduring charm or dazzling good looks are out of the question. Time to go to plan B. This is where my Ravenclaw blue lining in my Slytherin robes comes in very handy. Time to break out my inner Hermione!

In my mind, Anon could not help but being impressed by my academic prowess. He would stare in awe as I popped off answers to the Professor (who was also impressed by my smarts). Of course, he would need help with his lessons (being new and all), and what better person for the job?! We would soon be inseparable and with luck, we my even turn into a ‘power couple’. Yay for plan B!

Back to reality….

In truth, he would probably think me a stuck up know-it-all and while we may end up friends, I don’t think that we would ever be more than that. I’m like the ultimate ‘little sister’ ‘best friend’ type much more than the ‘girlfriend’ type. Oh well, a girl can dream, right?!
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Prof. Felicia Hartwick » Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:51 pm

I'm sitting at my desk in the back of the classroom watching as everyone is trying to get the new kid's attention. I took a piece of parchment and quill out of my bag and sat silently tapping the quill on the parchment as I watched the show. There''s the jocks who are talking to him to see if he's into Quidditch. You know asking the typical question. "Do you play?" " Who's your favorite team?" " What position do you play?" " Are you thinking of trying out.?" Then there's the academic crowd. "What's your favorite subject?" "What grades do you get?" "Do you want to study with us? We meet in the library every night after dinner."

It was sort of sad watching this poor kid surrounded by this crowd. The look on his face was one of confusion, bewilderment and disbelief. To my eyes it looked like he was wishing he was anywhere but where he was sitting. It was then I thought, I might as well help him.

Turning from the show, I dipped my quill into my ink and started to scribble a note on the parchment. It was basic, nothing fancy, just a note saying "If you want to get away from the crowd after class, meet me down by the lake. The weather is pretty nice today and the giant squid might make an appearance."

I folded the note up small enough for it to fit in my hand and I waited. I waited till class was over, and as soon as we were dismissed I gathered my stuff and walked quickly to Anon before the hounds could surround him again. As I passed his desk I slipped the note into Anon's hand and continued on my way. I looked back once, to see if Anon would read the note. He did and I smiled at him as I walked out of the classroom.
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Prof. Will Lestrange » Fri Feb 03, 2023 7:47 am

To be honest, I find it hard to not be noticed... but in order to impress a new student? I'll do what I often do in class: find the right time to ask a sarcastic, incisive, and memorable question so that everyone around me - and especially Anon - remembers who it is. And if that fails, I'll just get on my broom when class ends and try to make Anon notice me with my speed and finesse. Of course, with my luck I'll somehow manage to crash at full speed into a wall or something else, but... isn't that very effective, in its own way, in getting people to notice me?
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:00 pm

Seeing Anon for the first time almost literally takes my breath away. They’re cute and sweet and so smart. I want to get closer to them but I’m not brave enough to just walk right up to them and ask to be friends (despite being told that that can work). Instead I’ll just sit close to them in classes that we have together. I ask them to be my partner for projects where we can pick our own. Partner projects are the bane of my existence because I have such strong social anxiety and I don’t want to disappoint them by getting things wrong. All I can do is hope that this will be enough. Maybe I’ll even ask questions on what they like or dislike. Hopefully I don’t make an embarrassment of myself doing so.
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Harry Walles » Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:19 pm

I am a romantic but I am really shy so I would probably start off by a very very awkward social conversation, in which I would make myself look like a fool. Then, I would probably try to bake something for Anon. Maybe I would even make him some sandwiches daily so that he could see me. I am not really good at flirting or making a good impression on someone, whom I find attractive. So I guess I would end up in a so called 'friend zone'. Finding out what Anon is into is also a good idea for a start.
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Louis Walles » Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:26 pm

Oh gee... My dating experience is almost none. To be fair, the only reason why I am married in real life is a pure luck as he really wanted to have a Polish boyfriend and I was the only Polish guy he knew, and so I was faking a harsher accent and being super goofy and hoping for it to work, and it did :lol: .

So how would I approach Anon, assuming that my Polish roots would not work its magic? I am also rather awkward socially and tend to say too much and too wrong. I would be the guy, who is too nice, too caring but never successful in dating haha. I would find out what Anon likes to do. Does he like books? Italian food? Well if he does then that is what I will do. I mean I can find a way to get his favourite author to sign a book for him, or take him to a legit Italian restaurant (probably will not take him to Italy because I am poor but hey...I can print out some photos from Italy and call it a day).
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Re: Part 1 - New Student

Postby Katherine Laurier » Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:03 am

Anon was popular the moment he arrived at school, and I understand - he's not only the handsome guy you could see in your dreams, but a smart, hardworking, kind, and generous boy. I am certainly no expert when it comes to love or flirting or pick-up lines, unlike many others. The rest that wanted to be with him are probably gorgeous and experienced in the field of love. With that, I'm not sure about what to do to get his attention and be different from others.

So I play it cool. I plan out what to do in my head for it to seem casual and something the universe has done, but it's all my design. I sit next to him in any classes we have together and try to be with him in group or pair assignments, saying "hi" and "bye" and sharing smiles in class. I notice that he's particularly good at a subject that I'm lacking in, and he's struggling in a subject that I'm pretty good dat. This was a perfect opportunity to not only improve both of our grades in our worst classes, but to improve our closeness with one another.

And I say, "Woah, you're good at this. Do you think you could teach me outside of class? I don't get anything," and chuckle, then hope for him to say yes and ask for help in his worst class too. As we teach each other, we can get to know each other better, like our strengths, likes, and dislikes, and share a few laughs and jokes.
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