“Week Four - Task 11. - “Back To Normal”


Moderator: Katherine Laurier

“Week Four - Task 11. - “Back To Normal”

Postby Katherine Laurier » Sat May 25, 2024 4:59 pm

A day has gone by since your discovery and success as a team and you notice how peaceful it is. No more accidental magic, bags suddenly falling open, shoelaces abruptly untying, and desks moving to the side without force.

It’s back to normal!

You smile, feeling proud of the success of the committee after everything that you guys have thought of and worked hard for. You compare the great feeling now to your experience before where you had to deal with things like items falling from your bed and minor disruptions every once in a while.

Spot the differences in the two pictures:

Send your solution to Katherine Laurier in a Private Message on the Roost with the subject "Week Four - Task 11. - “Back To Normal”".

Alternatively, write at least 125 words about how you feel about being able to crack the case with the committee and your journey together throughout the month.

This task is worth 10 beans. You can earn an additional 10 bonus beans for completing all Week Four tasks by Friday, May 31st, at 11:59 PM (HOL time).

Spectacular Spotters:
Dibyarup James Potter
Adeline Morior
River Fenwick
Janne Halla
Viviana Kingston
Lex Green
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Katherine Laurier
Reserve Prefect
Posts: 127
Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2022 5:00 am

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