Week One - Task 02. - “Messy Magic”


Moderator: Katherine Laurier

Week One - Task 02. - “Messy Magic”

Postby Katherine Laurier » Fri May 03, 2024 3:46 pm

You yawn and stretch. Morning drowsiness is really hitting you right now, probably from how gorgeous the meteor shower was last night. Everyone who watched enjoyed the beauty of it. It was truly a great event to see and more unforgettable since you saw it with your friends.

You get ready for the day. You hold the handle of your drawer for a moment as you rub your eye with your free hand as you try to wake yourself up, but it opens itself.


You sigh.

I’m not awake enough for this. I guess I pulled it subconsciously.

You brush it off, shrugging, and leave your dorm room ready. You walk through the corridors and see that someone’s shoes suddenly untied the second they sneezed. Again, what?

You go through the day and you observe that a lot of accidental magic is happening around the castle, causing unexpected disruptions. It’s all minor and nothing is too terrible, but it’s definitely interfering with everyday activities and it’s a hassle to put up with. And you’ve never seen it until today.

Is this still morning drowsiness?

Magic has been getting quite messy today. Arrange some of the messes you see around you by unscrambling the following 10 words. The number of words in the unscrambled version will be specified after the scrambled word/s. These are all related to the theme of the activity.
1. throw more see (2 words)
2. thy kings (2 words)
3. tenant so over claim (2 words)
4. styryme (1 word)
5. rub distance (1 word)
6. undeds (1 word)
7. are gran (1 word)
8. tracen unity (1 word)
9. raezingo (1 word)
10. ridrone (2 words)

Each correctly unscrambled word gives you 1 bean, for a total of 10 beans. Send your solution to Katherine Laurier in a Private Message on the Roost with the subject Task 2 - Celestial Conundrums.

Alternatively, write at least 125 words on your way of keeping things organized and in order.

This task is worth 10 beans. You can earn an additional 10 bonus beans for completing all Week One tasks by Friday, May 31st, at 11:59 PM (HOL time).
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Re: Week One - Task 02. - “Messy Magic”

Postby Katherine Laurier » Fri May 03, 2024 3:48 pm

Mess Managed By:
River Fenwick
Dibyarup James Potter
Janne Halla
Lex Green
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Re: Week One - Task 02. - “Messy Magic”

Postby Janne Halla » Fri May 03, 2024 4:05 pm

I like to have my space organized, and everything to have its place. Sometimes, I fall off the wagon, so to speak, and have a couple of grueling days trying to clean everything up.

My first rule is the one I see quite a lot on the Internet, namely 'If you can do something in 5 minutes, do it now'. That way, all the little things like the dishes from one meal or putting something in the trash or in the laundry basket don't pile up and make for an hour or two of clean up.

I also buy, or even make, ornate wood boxes for my coffee, teas, and other dry stuff that can be in the pantry. Then, I also have plastic containers for other food, such as pasta, rice, and so on. All has its place and you just put it back up.

I try to do a deep clean of everything once per month, especially the bathroom and kitchen area. Unless of course, some other kind of mess happens that necessites immediate cleanup.

I know I actually wrote more about cleaning than keeping things organized, but I found that if you do clean up often, you have your things in order.
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Re: Week One - Task 02. - “Messy Magic”

Postby Adeline Morior » Mon May 27, 2024 9:04 am

I have to spend a lot of time making sure things are organised in my environment due to being a fast paced creative artist. Things can quickly start piling up as I leave crafts, stationary and things lying around. After a while it will start stressing me out so I have little drawers where I put most things. My books and papers need to be stacked neatly and I painted some containers for my paint brushes, pencils, pens etc. I love collecting jars and interesting cups so I would use them as little holders.

I do have to make lists of things I need to do and mark them in order otherwise I would forget. This helps me a lot with keeping organised and on track as I can easily get distracted and forgetful. Having my lists and my calendar up where I can see it, making sure everything is marked on and clean is soothing to my soul. I tend to not leave things and believe that if something needs to be done then it needs to be done now or as quickly and fast as possible in order to get it out of the way before things pile on too much and time might run out. I don't like things not being "complete".

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Re: Week One - Task 02. - “Messy Magic”

Postby Viviana Kingston » Tue May 28, 2024 6:19 pm

My way of organisation is first to brain dump everything into my journal. Once I know what I need to do or thought of doing, I create to-do lists for each day and I renew these weekly. My tasks are divided into two categories. The first one is nonnegotiables - chores, coursework, projects; anything that can't be put off until the next day or a later stage takes priority. The second one is anything that has a later deadline, that can be done at leisure (though I don't really stick to all of the tasks because I often procrastinate).
Other than that, I do random cleaning sprees, because often I get lazy, and neaten up things I've already organised - my clothes get organised by order of how often I used the clothes, same goes with everything else. If I use it often, it's prioritised within my reach and in my sight otherwise everything else gets kept away.
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