Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells


Moderator: Aquaria Sandalwood

Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Aquaria Sandalwood » Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:24 am

It is officially the last day of camp. This is always kind of a sad day because you will miss camp and all your new friends, but you have also had such a great time, and you are excited to go home and tell your family all about it.

Right now you are packing up all your things and helping to clean up your campsite, and then you and your teammates will be off to the Closing Ceremonies to see who won the Magical Creature Cup! You know has been a very close competition, and while you hope you win, you are happy to have come and had so much fun no matter what the outcome is.

As you put your things in your suitcase, you come across all kinds of different things that you’ve made, things your new friends have given you, and other things you’ve picked up along the way. And of course, you have a nice long piece of parchment with all of your new friends’ addresses written down so you can keep in touch via owl throughout the rest of the summer and even into the school year for those of your friends that go to different schools.

It has been fun, but you are excited to find out who won, and you are looking forward to sleeping in your own bed!

See you next summer, Camp Hogwarts! Can’t wait to do it all again!

Task: In 150 words or more, write about your time here at Camp Hogwarts. What was your favorite thing that you did? Did you make any new friends? Are you going to keep in touch with them? Do you want to come back to camp next year? You can write about things that we did in this activity, or other things that didn’t make it to the activity, but that you imagine you would have done at camp.

Alternatively, you may create a collage of the different things you did at camp. Remember that embedded images need to be no larger than 600x600 pixels.

This task is worth 10 beans, with 10 additional beans available if all Week Four activities are completed. Everything is due by 11:59 pm HOL time on August 31st.
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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby River Fenwick » Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:08 pm

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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Sun Aug 25, 2024 4:57 pm

As I pack up my things and get ready for the Closing Ceremonies, I can't help but smile at all the fond memories I've made at Camp Hogwarts. From the adventures we've shared to the friendships I've formed, this has truly been an unforgettable experience. No matter who wins the Magical Creature Cup, I'm just grateful to have been a part of it all.

This is Dibyarup J. Potter, from Team Bowtruckle, signing off! Can't wait to see everyone next summer. Until then, practice your charms, memorise your potion recipes, and train harder for Quidditch and Broomracing. Oh, and don't forget to have fun along the way! :D


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Last edited by Dibyarup James Potter on Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Emily Spencer » Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:06 am

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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Ellie Vernez » Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:05 pm

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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Adeline Morior » Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:07 am


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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Lexa Winslow » Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:04 pm

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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Lex Green » Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:47 am

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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Galena May » Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:56 am

I had the most fascinating time at Camp Hogwarts. As said earlier, I behave like a maverick when I go summer- camping, but thankfully, the entire camptime went smoothly and safely, with absolutely no hazards.
My team, Team Niffler, happened to be made of enthusiastic and free- spirited campers like me, and I cannot get the wild nights shared with them around the campfire out of my head. There was a lot of singing, dancing, chatting, campfire games, and barbeques and roast. Besides everything, we kept hydrated and clean, and took care of each other. At night, we took turns rekindling the fire, and during the evenings, we relaxed together. During the afternoon, we cooked and played together, and in the mornings we practiced or planned for the day's camp activities, followed by actually participating in them. On off days, we practiced/planned some more, explored the surroundings and had fun. Bedtime stories we told to each other will haunt my nights forever. My team constantly kept up the team spirit and the unbreakable unity, and I feel proud to have been matched up with them, irrespective of whether or not we pack home the Magical Creature Cup.
Between the activities and all our campfires, we socialized with the other students, organizers, staff, supervizers of the camp, and magical flora and fauna around us. I also saw a camper petting a unicorn one day. It was a meetup with a wide array of people and creatures alike who broadened my horizons and showed me different ways of doing things. When a crowd gathers, the diversity serves to open our minds. I feel enriched now. I made friends with so many people, and learnt about the unique cultures of each school.
As I pack my photographical memories back home, I know in my heart that I will reminisce about these sunny days forever. I may or may not take a cup back home, but I am taking these memories, and lots of new friends with me. That's a lot.
Some tasks at camp were difficult, and some were easy, but I enjoyed them all. In my heart, I feel oodles of gratitude towards the organizers, staff, and supervizers, for giving us this good time and ensuring that the camp runs smoothly and safely. I feel love and gratitude towards everyone who has been part of this camp.
My favorite activity was the trek through the Forbidden Forest, where we were supposed to gather magical plants. The activity was named "Herbologist's Hike". I sometimes wonder if nomadic hunter-gatherers felt like they were camping everyday. It felt like a real treasure - hunt, especially with my talented team, and the positive inspiration from the other teams.
The memory of Camp Hogwarts 2024 will be etched in my mind forever. I hope I will get an invite again next summer.
Until next year.
Last edited by Galena May on Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Viviana Kingston » Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:29 pm

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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Janne Halla » Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:59 pm

I really enjoyed the sports activities, like archery, swimming, and the relay race. I'm quite fast for my stature and I've been practising archery for quite a while! It was nice to show off my skills.

One of my other favorite activities was the Scavenger Hunt. We ventured into the Forbidden Forest (under the careful watch of the organizers of course) to discover and learn about some of the fancy magical objects and the magical creatures that inhabit the area. I was paired with a group of students from different schools, and together, we tracked down Bowtruckles, observed a colony of Puffskeins, and even caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a Thestral.

Another highlight was the dueling club. I’ve always been interested in perfecting my spellwork, and the friendly competitions we had were awesome. Some students from Uagadou showed me the magic I didn't even know existed!

I made several new friends, from Beauxbatons and Ilvermorny. We've already exchanged owl addresses, and I’m certain we’ll be keeping in touch to share new spells, and ideas, and maybe even visit each other’s schools someday. Wouldn't that be grand?

I really loved my time here at Camp Hogwarts! I hope I get to return next year or maybe another school could host it? Maybe even mine, Durmstrang Institute? Either way, I can't wait for the next summer!
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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Evelin Stockom » Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:47 am

Thank you so much for such an interesting activity. Can't wait to meet you all next summer.
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Re: Week 4 - Task 12. - Fond Farewells

Postby Luna Ravenlong » Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:11 am

I’ve had a brilliant time at camp Hogwarts! The highlights for me were swimming in the lake and cheering on my team in the quidditch tournament. It was great trying some new things such as archery and rowing (even though I wasn’t great at either!)

The scavenger hunt was also a lot of fun, especially as we got to go into the forbidden forest at meet some of the creatures in there-I got to pet both a unicorn and a thestral (which was very strange as I couldn’t actually see it!)

I’ve made some great friends from other magical schools and hope to stay in contact throughout the year- especially the beauxbatons students as it will give me a good opportunity to practice my French.

Looking forward to hopefully seeing everyone again next summer!
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