Dorm Preferences?

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Dorm Preferences?

Postby Galena May » Sun Sep 01, 2024 5:41 am

I was wandering in the Slytherin forum and came across an old sub-forum where Slytherins were looking for dormmates. It struck me that dorm preferences would be fun to discuss, mutually. One's dorm preferences would say a lot about them, for our preferred surroundings reflect who we are as a person. We do not have separate dorms here and this is just for fun (and I obviously mean this thread for everyone, not only the Ravenclaws).

Below are my dorm preferences, and I would love to hear yours (let's be free to include decor, furniture, view from the window, pets, friends, dormmates, schedule preferences, and anything else):

- I would love my dorm to be in the Ravenclaw colors of blue and bronze with preferably not less than 3 but not more than 5 beds, for I prefer having dorm mates over staying alone, which is ironical given that I have pretty much stayed alone due to inevitable circumstances whenever I stayed away from home.
- I would love the beds to be four-poster and king-size (for we need space to sleep, study, and play), and the bedsheets and pillows to be in the calming colors of blue and bronze, because blue is a calming color which promotes relaxation, sleep, and focus. Blue is also a very good color for one's study space and for meditation. It would help improve focus during homework and spell-practice.
- I would love an owl perch attached to each bed, with additional food bowls and water bowls attached permanently.
- I would love the windows to be on the far side of the room, close to none of the beds, but facing such a way that enough natural light reaches every bed during the day for our plants to thrive and for studying in natural light, so that we don't fight for the window-side bed.
- I would love an attached wardrobe and bookshelf on either side of each bed, and a study table at the rear end of the bed. Curtains and mats are also useful to help regulate light and feel comfortable on our feet respectively. Let the water jugs be kept together in one corner of the room, where everybody can have a drink, to avoid spillage everywhere. I don't mind keeping my trunk under my bed and pulling it out at need but having some space to keep our trunks would be nice.
- It would also be great to have a common cabinet, where we can keep things that we intend to share with each other, such as gobstones, wizard's chess sets, shared books, card game decks, board games, snacks, etc. And I would also love furniture suggestions, may be someone would like to suggest a couch and more?

I do not have dormmate preferences as long as everybody gets along and the dorm is kept reasonably neat by virtue of individual neatness as well as joint effort. I do not mind pets and plants either, but I prefer if there are no pet/plant clashes or predator/prey issues. Owners would be responsible, of course. Personally, I would have an owl and a cat (kneazle), and later as I settle in, maybe a Krup (I love dogs as pets) , then a puffskein or two. Nifflers would be fine but all awards, shinies, and money would have to be kept locked. As long as everyone can co-exist, I am happy. I would also love my dormmates bringing in their friends, because I am always up for a chat or a group study sesh, and if you want my snacks, I keep them hidden behind my robes, out of sight, in my wardrobe.

As for preferred schedules, I tend to be an early riser, so for those who are not, they may have to bear with some noise in the morning as I wake up, dress, wash, and clean my surroundings and my pet's droppings. Morning persons would be a better fit, but earmuffs on night owls would do the trick. But, once these are done, I go quiet during my morning study sesh, for I study silently. I love it when the entire dorm goes to classes and meals at the Great Hall together, but I do not mind going alone either, for people can have different timings. I prefer keeping the dorm a hub of joy, for I perform best academically and socially, when I am happy.

My friends will be visiting now and then, but I usually do not make extremes of noise that may disturb my dormmates, even with my friends. Most importantly, I thrive in environments that scream harmony. I am not a night owl but as long as no light/sound penetrates my satin black eye band and my earmuffs, I am good to go. I can sleep like a log when I want to, but try waking me up for fun, lol. Jokes aside, I do not mind providing/receiving homework help and I absolutely love a good discussion/debate from time to time. And oh! snacks. I vibe really well with people who stash and share savory snacks for unpredictable hunger pangs and candies and sweets for my cravings between study sessions. My own stash is easily accessible as well if you know where to look for it.

What about yours?
Thank you so much, my secret elf, for my ava + sig!
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Re: Dorm Preferences?

Postby Adeline Morior » Wed Sep 04, 2024 7:14 am

You covered way more than I could think of Galena. Nicely done.

I would say my preference would just be respect. I am a private person and like my space to remain my space. I would take any given dorm bed and space and make it my own in decorations. I love nature so would love to have my bed near a window and have a desk I can sit and work at. A space for my clothing and personal effects would be nice.

I love the idea of curtains on our beds as it helps to give privacy and atmosphere to ones space. I would most likely spend time around the common room fire place playing with my pets and catching up on reading, writing or art. My dorm would most likely be a mixture of green nature and purple blues as I love the starry night themes. SO fairly lights!

I can get along with any dormmates. I am a night owl instead of an early riser. I like to spend time on my hobbies all through the late hours of the night. I would wander around the castle if it was allowed. Think it would be fascinating talking to the portraits and ghosts. I would probably spend a lot of time sitting at the window.

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