Favorite Quotes...Supernatural Edition!

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Favorite Quotes...Supernatural Edition!

Postby Prof. Rorey Padfoot » Sun Jul 04, 2021 3:10 pm

Supernatural is such an amazing show. There are sooo many great quotes from over the 15 seasons of this show.

Post your 1, 2, or all of your favorite quotes from any of the seasons and don't forget to list who said it!

because it's totally a quote lol

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Re: Favorite Quotes...Supernatural Edition!

Postby Evelin Stockom » Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:40 am

I absolutely love the show. There are so many great lines throughout and picking some of them is going to be a very difficult decision to make. Anyways here are two of my favorites:

1)"It Doesn't Matter What You Are. It Only Matters What You Do."- SAM
"Every Day, We Can Get Better."- DEAN
These are such inspirational lines. Leave it to the precious twins to come up with strong advice.
2) "Hello, boys"
“You betrayed me! No one in the history of torture’s been tortured with torture like the torture you’ll be tortured with!” - CROWLEY
Before anything else, the actor's voice is amazing. I remember that I and my friends used to keep repeating the second line as a tongue twister. It's pretty tricky.
The show is awesome. And I don't think I would be able to express my admiration in mere words
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