Answer and Ask Chain!

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Answer and Ask Chain!

Postby Chantel Poole » Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:03 pm

Why hello there Eagles!

These forum ice breakers use to be my favorite, I wonder why they fell out of fashion?

Here's an interesting one - Answer and Ask! It's easy, answer the question posted by the last poster, and then ask your own.

Let's try to not be to brief, or to ask yes or no questions. The point is to get to know each other!

Ella Elephant:
A: (answer to previous question)
Q: What is your favorite mythical creature?

Ethan Eagle:
A: This would probably be the unicorn since it is one of the most normal mythical creatures. I sometimes still can’t believe they are not actually real!
Q: What is your favorite color and why?

Bobby Bologna:
A: I really like the color purple. Maybe it’s because of Barney the dinosaur, or maybe it’s because it has a calming effect.
Q: What did you want to be when you grew up (5-8ish year old range)?

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Re: Answer and Ask Chain!

Postby Chantel Poole » Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:08 pm

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up (5-8ish year old range)?

A: I really, really wanted to be a teacher! I had a passion for reading and sharing new things I learned... That dream faded as I got older and realized it was a lot of stress.

Q: What is your most favorite dessert to eat, and why? Do you get it often?
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Re: Answer and Ask Chain!

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Fri Nov 11, 2022 3:15 am

Answer: Ohh can't go wrong with mint-chocolate chip ice cream anything. Shakes, cones, in a bowl. I just really love mint-chocolate lol

Question: What is the first cartoon show you think of when asked about 90s cartoons?

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Re: Answer and Ask Chain!

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:16 am

A: Rugrats! It was by far my favorite as a small-tiny-Sindor at that time, and the first one that comes to mind when I think of 90s cartoons!

Q: What’s a song that you have a particularly fond or special memory of, and why?
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Re: Answer and Ask Chain!

Postby Adeline Morior » Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:43 pm

A: Amazed, a song by Lonestar. It holds a special memory because it was a song my dad chose out for me to sing at my first audition. He searched the lyrics and sat with me all night in order for me to make the song my own. I also chose this song as the song my dad and I danced to at my wedding for the exact reason mentioned above. A special memory to me.

Q: What book have you read that completely blew your mind and/or changed you perspective on something and why?

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Re: Answer and Ask Chain!

Postby Galena May » Sat Jun 15, 2024 5:37 am

A: I read Harry Potter, and my notion of school life was completely changed. I realised that it can be interesting, not just boring. I realised that it is okay to break the laws, or engage in mischief, sometimes, for the greater good, and it is not necessarily bad. I realised that it is okay to be dreamy like Luna Lovegood, and you can still be competent, clumsy like Neville, and still be a hero, famous for no reason like Harry, and still hope to have friends by being kind, being rejected like Ginny by her one true love, and yet get married to him in the end, an idiot like Ron, and still be part of the Golden Trio and hang out with the most famous person in school, bully like Draco Malfoy, and still have girls drooling, dominate like Hermione Granger, and still be admired and have friends, silly like Fleur Delacour, and still find love, and finally famous people such as the Golden Trio will get away with everything, no matter what they do.

Q: What is the biggest lesson your life experiences have ever taught you?
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