MAYhem Introduction


MAYhem Introduction

Postby Prof. Kendra Givens » Sun May 03, 2020 11:52 pm

HELP!! As some of you may know, being Ravenclaw's Head Prefect is one of my favorite things. However, lately it's been a bit challenging...

My biggest role as Head Prefect is doing tasks that our Head of House asks of me. Lately, though, she has been a little stressed. OWL results are due soon, the Head Office is preparing for end of the year festivities, Dario transfigured a student into a fe....scratch that one actually, and Ryan is lost again. With all this going on, Kyrie needs my help more than ever.

The issue is that I can't figure out what she needs! She keeps leaving me cryptic messages and, by the time I solve one, I've got 5 more on my desk! Don't even get me started on how long it took me to find the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team practice schedule from 1775...

Anyway! That's where you come in! I need help desperately. While I can solve some of these messages, there are others I need help on. Each week, I will post one of two of her messages for you to help me solve and then a few extra tasks related to her messages. I hope some of you are fluent in Elvish, Mermish, and Shyriiwook, or we may be in trouble.

Your help will, of course, be rewarded with beans and the bigger prize of not watching me lose my mind!

All activities will be due at the end of the month, May 31st, at 11:59pm HOL time in order to earn beans.
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Prof. Kendra Givens
Posts: 692
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:26 am

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