Week 1: Word Unscramble


Week 1: Word Unscramble

Postby Prof. Kendra Givens » Mon May 04, 2020 12:10 am

The next note I received had a few lines of gibberish and says nothing more than “TOP SECRET: K, I need these books from the library ASAP. -K” Can you help me figure out which books she's asking about? I'm getting a headache...

1. dsefeiven lgciama royeht
2. gnronnfctio eth acsfelse
3. sfhle gaiten erets fo het lrdow
4. lsmaplsen ylbalysra
5. dvandace noitpo agmink

Send your solution to ravenclawevent@gmail.com with the title 'Week 1: Word Unscramble' by May 31st for 10 beans.

**Should you need an alternate activity option due to accessibility concerns, please feel free to message me and we can arrange other fun for you!**
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Prof. Kendra Givens
Posts: 692
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:26 am

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