Art Museum - Task 4


Moderator: Prof. Kendra Givens

Art Museum - Task 4

Postby Prof. Kendra Givens » Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:49 am

On our way out of the city, we can't help but wonder at all of the massive skyscrapers that make the city what it is! No matter how many times you see them, they make you feel so small. Complete the skyscrapers puzzle below to represent the sights as we're on our way out.

Send your completed solution to kgivens1072 @ (no spaces) at 11:59PM HOL time on August 21st to earn yourself 10 beans.

If you've never done a skyscrapers puzzle before, here are the rules:
You need to place the numbers 1-4 in each row and column. Each number will appear in each column and row only once. The numbers along the sides indicate how many skyscrapers you could see looking straight down or right from that spot.

To get you started, I filled in the number 4 next to each 1 along the side. This is because you can only see one skyscraper from those points, so it has to be the tallest one/highest number. Let me know if you need more help!

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Prof. Kendra Givens
Posts: 693
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:26 am

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