What an exceptional final week of BBO!! Impressive job to everyone who submitted tasks over Week Four.
Anne-Marie Gagne
Prof. Felicia Hartwick
Louis Walles
Aurelia West
Adeline Morior
Rhaneyra Black
Prof. Will Lestrange
Kalgri Sicaria
Harry Walles
Ereshkigal Csintalan
Caius Magnusson
Lorainia Riverrider
And OUTSTANDING work to everyone who not only submitted all four tasks in this last week, they have also completed all 16 tasks within the activity!!
Anne-Marie Gagne
Louis Walles
Adeline Morior
Rhaneyra Black
Prof. Will Lestrange
Kalgri Sicaria
Harry Walles
Ereshkigal Csintalan
Caius Magnusson
Beans & Awards to come, m’dears!
- Mia, Silvana, Amy, & Sindor