Task 1 - Writing


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Re: Task 1 - Writing

Postby Emily Spencer » Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:28 pm

Without a shadow of a doubt, if I could borrow the magic sled, I would set my course straight for Ireland. I am of Irish ancestry and have always felt a kinship with it. For as long as I can remember, I have often been reduced to tears when I see pictures of it, and an inexplicable longing fills me. It's almost like I 'belong' there if that makes any sense at all.

In fact, years ago, my husband and I were at a Celtic Festival and many people had donated portraits of their Irish ancestors. This man that I had never met before came up to me and inquired about a certain portrait, stating that it looked exactly like me. Mind you, I am a grown woman, and the picture was of a young girl sitting by a cottage hearth. It literally took my breath away, it was so uncanny. If ever I do get to Ireland, I will try to find out more about the girl.
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Re: Task 1 - Writing

Postby Elysia Guerin » Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:09 pm

If I had magic sleight, the first place I would go would be the Netherlands as well as the England.

I don't know why, but I see that both countries are very beautiful and I really want to visit them. Other than that, there are lots of places that I want to visit there and some cultures that I really want to see in person. If possible, I want to learn about them in person too.

Besides that, in both countries there are schools that I really want to study there. Simple, but I really want to go to those two countries.
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Re: Task 1 - Writing

Postby Kalgri Sicaria » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:32 am

The first place that I would go to if I had access to the magic sleigh would be Greece as I am a huge fan of Ancient History and have been reading a lot about the history of Greece recently. I visited the island of Rhodes as a child, but I have not been back since and would love to see all of the historical sites, particularly in Athens, but also on the other islands and in the north of the country and into the Republic of Macedonia. This is mainly because my favourite historical figure is Alexander the Great and visiting sites that were part of his empire has been a goal of mine for a long time. The weather would also be a lot warmer at this time of year than where I am now (as I'm writing this there is snow on the ground), which might be another reason to take the sleigh there!
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Re: Task 1 - Writing

Postby Lorainia Riverrider » Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:17 pm

If I could borrow the sleigh, the first place I would go is to Hawaii. Hawaii temperatures stay mostly nice year round. Also, I would like to explore a volcano. I mean not while it is erupting or anything like that, but maybe a dormant volcano. The ocean and beaches are also beautiful in Hawaii. I would like to visit The Big Island and also some of the smaller islands. They have have their own unique adventures and flora and fauna to see. Although I would go to Hawaii, that may be too warm a place for Gary to visit.
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Re: Task 1 - Writing

Postby Lex Green » Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:36 pm

If I could go anywhere, I think I'd want to go to New York. I'm from the UK, and I visited NYC quite a few years ago, but I wasn't quite old enough to remember the details and take it all in. I'd love to go back now and experience all the tourist-y things. Additionally, my parents actually got engaged at the top of the Empire State building, so it would be really cool to go back there. I also love musical theatre so I would love the chance to see a Broadway show (or even just stand outside in Times Square because there's no way I could afford a ticket.)
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Re: Task 1 - Writing

Postby Ereshkigal Csintalan » Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:17 pm

I love to explore new places and learn about the history and culture of other countries around the world. I have never ventured outside of Europe so I would probably use the magic sleigh to do that. I’d probably pick a small island out in the middle of the ocean as wouldn’t be the easiest place to get to via muggle transportation without a million connections. It would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I reckon I’d maybe choose somewhere like Easter Island as it is home to the famous yet very mysterious statues and it would be great to see them in their home. I’ve seen one in a museum in the past, but it wouldn’t be the same as seeing them there. Anything historical and I’m there.
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