Task 11 - Puzzle


Moderator: Chantel Poole

Task 11 - Puzzle

Postby Chantel Poole » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:46 pm

Puzzle Time!

If he wants to get a move on and make good time toward attending that party, Gary has GOT to keep himself from slowing down and daydreaming about all the things that he’ll be missing at home if he doesn’t make his way back in a jiffy.

Solve this Cryptogram to help snap him out of his stupor!
Direct Link: Cryptogram

Alternatively, describe some of your favorite things to do in the winter time in 100 words or more!

Send your cryptogram answer by email (with your HOL name included) to chantelpoole.hol@gmail.com and sindoraloyarc@gmail.com, or post about your winter activities below by January 31st at 11:59pm HOL time to earn 10 beans.
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Re: Task 11 - Puzzle

Postby Harry Walles » Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:14 pm

My favourite thing to do in the winter is...well...Christmas! I love Christmas and everything about it. I love preparing the Christmas dinner and I love buying gifts for my family. Wrapping gifts and putting them under the Christmas tree is such a cool thing. Then, going to church on the Midnight Mass. My number one favourite thing is that my parents come to our home for Christmas. They live in Canada, and so I do not see them often, so I truly cherish spending time with them over Christmas. Also, I do like having Louis and our children home, it's the best.
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Re: Task 11 - Puzzle

Postby Louis Walles » Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:18 pm

I am not a very big fan of winter to be honest with you all. However, I think winter has its advantages and so I have to admit that I can accept winter as it is. The first thing I really like is the fact that there are fancy versions of hot chocolate, no the usual ones they have during the year. Another fun thing is that there are plenty of really lovely cakes and versions of cereals and other food related items. And believe me when I say this - I love my food. I am definitely a little 'chub'.
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Re: Task 11 - Puzzle

Postby Emily Spencer » Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:35 pm

I love winter. Next to autumn, it is actually my favorite season. Unfortunately, I don’t live (and never have) where snow or winter weather was a big factor. So the usual winter pastimes like sledding, building snowmen, snowball fights and the like are out of the question.

So needless to say, my favorite winter activities are of the indoor variety. And anyone who know me even a little knows that my favorite winter (or any season) activity involves cooking. I love seasonal cooking, and the braises, stews, and soups, with their special winter seasonings are some of my favorite things to cook. Plus, there is the Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts to plan as well. Happy times!
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Re: Task 11 - Puzzle

Postby Dominick Salinas » Sat Jan 28, 2023 11:38 pm

My favorite thing to do in the winter is literally any outside activity! Where I live, the summers are unbearably hot and just the thought of doing something outside would make you drenched in sweat. But in our "winter" the temperature outside is wonderful and low humidity, so November-February is the opportune time to go on walks, play outside sports, go to any outside attractions. I spend a lot of time playing tennis, going to the zoo, and visiting the hiking trails close to me. It almost never snows here - we get like one random week of winter that usually occurs in January or February where the temperatures are cold and maybe like once every decade we will get light snow or ice with it. So, I've never been sledding or snow skiing or anything like that so maybe one winter I would hope to go somewhere and try those activities.
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Re: Task 11 - Puzzle

Postby Adeline Morior » Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:48 pm

Winter is a hard season for me personally since I am mostly sick and struggle to keep body heat. I would tend to sleep in more. I like to read or listen to audiobooks or mostly I would cuddle up on the couch in front of the tv with some hot chocolate and play a Playstation game as I can keep my hands, with the remote underneath my cozy blanket. I try not to go out much during this time. Most of my time would be spent on cozy personal things such as books, games or movies/series. If I have to work then it would be from the comforts of my bed.

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