Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"


Moderator: Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:32 pm

Based on the location of the sun, you guess it’s getting later than expected after visiting with the Pepper boy. You spent the whole time tidying up their place while avoiding his sneezing at all cost before taking your leave and heading north again.

Distracted, you bump rather forcefully into your friend Bunny-Soo as she’s frantically scurrying down the road. You fall as a pair into a surprisingly deep puddle that leaves you soiled and soggy.

You both make it back to sure footing while apologizing profusely. Removing a pocket watch from her waistcoat, you spot its face before Bunny-Soo wriggles her nose (something about the time) and hurries on her way.

Definitely past low tide. Definitely running later than planned.

You have no problem being fashionably late, but still pick up the pace. Unfortunately you’ve spoiled your outfit falling in the mud!

{No use crying a pool of tears, Bill} you think to the lizard crawling up the pipe of an apartment unit on the corner of Pawn Street and Rook Avenue.

A quick stop at home to change will have you right as rain in no time.

Show off your new look by creating a Signature &/or Avatar to go along with this activity and post below! 5 beans will be awarded for posting an Avatar image (100x100px), 10 beans for posting a Signature image (250x100px)

Alternatively you may Describe your signature and avatar in 120 words or more (what kind of imagery would you use, and what do you enjoy about that? perhaps share what outfit you chose for the party, etc.), or contribute a Spill The Tea research piece in 120 words or more, sharing interesting, unusual, or little known facts in your own words about any person throughout history.

This task is worth 15 beans, with an additional 15 bonus beans for completing all Week One tasks by end of activity. Deadline is 11:59pm (HOL time) on Sunday April 30th.
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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Katherine Laurier » Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:12 am

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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Janne Halla » Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:20 pm


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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Louis Walles » Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:54 pm


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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Harry Walles » Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:55 pm


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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Prof. Will Lestrange » Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:16 am


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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Elena Galatas » Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:20 am

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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Prof. Tarma Amelia Black » Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:59 am

Since I would have a difficult time creating this, I'll describe it ...

The signature:

Imagine looking out at the ocean and you see a lovely medium high wave, perfect for surfing. The water is shades of blue, with bits of teal here and there revealed by the sunshine beams coming through it. There is a white froth showing where the water curls and splashes at the end of the wave.

On top of the wave is a surfboard, balanced nicely (but one can tell that disaster could happen at any time because of the movement of the water swirling around).

Standing on the surfboard is a pink flamingo, feathers a bit awry, and carrying a croquet ball tucked in one feathered wing.

The avatar:

A croquet ball, base color is metallic gold. On the ball, around the ball, intersecting in two points on either side of the ball, are 3 thin (1/4 inch wide) black lines, equidistant from each other. The background color of the avatar graphic is ocean blue with bits of teal here and there.

The flamingo is from the croquet game, as is the croquet ball. "Off with their head!" The ocean and blue is for the 'high seas'.
*Avatar/Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo*siggy-Boulet* Avatar-Leverage
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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Maeve Madden » Thu Apr 06, 2023 4:32 pm


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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Caius Magnusson » Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:29 pm

I'm going to Spill The Tea about Nikola Tesla!

Many know that Tesla was brilliant, but few people know that he very likely had OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). There are quite a few things that Tesla refused to do, including touching anything he regarded as dirty - including hair - and anything spherical, such as pearls. Tesla was also quite fixated on the number 3, and he had several rituals that made use of that number: for example, he always walked around the building he intended to enter three times, only slept in hotel rooms whose number was divisible by three, and used a grand total of 18 napkins to polish his silverware before every meal. Some other habits of him was estimating the volume of his meals before eating and having an aversion to jewelry.

Tesla is a clear example of someone that who was not neurotypical, and yet drastically changed the modern world as we know it. For all that's worth, your little quirks cannot stop you from reaching your full potential - and, who knows, maybe they'll even be the reason for your success!
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Re: Week One - Task #01. - "Sea Levels Go Down"

Postby Aquaria Sandalwood » Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:41 pm

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