Week 2 - Task #3 - Your Wand


Moderator: Prof. Alexander Brighton

Week 2 - Task #3 - Your Wand

Postby Prof. Alexander Brighton » Tue May 09, 2023 11:32 pm

You are now “safe and sound” at your attraction, but the entrance is locked. You have no idea why because you can see people there (if it’s somewhere public).

You know you should only use your wand in emergency situations. But seeing as not much has worked out, you see this as an emergency, so you try “Alohomora”, but it still doesn’t work.

You know that there must be some kind of magic preventing you from entering the attraction. You find this strange, especially if you are in muggle territory. So you cast “Alohomora duo”, the stronger version of Alohomora. The door unlocked and even flew open which you weren’t expecting.

You enter and try to ignore the looks of the people around you, just hoping that if they’re muggles they didn’t see you use magic. Things go pretty smoothly for a while until you realise that you don’t have your wand. It must have fallen out. You need to find it before someone else does.

Find a coloring page online of your attraction and paint or color it so you can find where you might have lost your wand. You can also draw your wand into the coloring page where you lost it.

Please post below by May 31. If you complete at least half the tasks by the due date, you will earn a bonus of 20 beans. If you complete all tasks, you will earn a bonus of 40 beans.
Prof. Alexander Brighton
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Re: Week 2 - Task #3 - Your Wand

Postby Aquaria Sandalwood » Tue May 16, 2023 6:57 pm

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Re: Week 2 - Task #3 - Your Wand

Postby Lex Green » Sat May 20, 2023 10:14 am

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Lex Green
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