Any beans earned over an activity will receive the equivalent number of Sapphires, unless otherwise specified to be worth more.
For the Blue and Bronze teams, this will be factored into the nest-versus-nest competition held each year between the eagles. They also, along with any visitors, have the potential to earn themselves a shiny or few!
Anyone who holds a top-two earner position within the blue, bronze, or visitors nests after any January and July activities have been tallied will receive a special award for the previous term, as well as one award for the overall year top earners:
• The Noble Sapphire award:

To the second-highest earner(s) each term.
• The Royal Sapphire award:

To the highest earner(s) each term.
• The Imperial Sapphire award:

To the highest earner(s) each year.
Top Monthly Sapphire Earners
August: —
September: Dibyarup James Potter, Janne Halla, Scarlet Robloutain - 330; Dawn Diya - 300; Penelope Friar - 195
October: Adeline Morior, Artemisia Thorne - 120; Lex Green - 120; Dibyarup James Potter, Janne Halla, Scarlet Robloutain - 120
November: Adeline Morior, Artemisia Thorne - 600; Viviana Kingston - 600; Dibyarup James Potter, Evie Figg, Janne Halla, Maeve Madden - 600
December: Adeline Morior, Artemisia Thorne - 225; Lex Green, Viviana Kingston - 225; Dibyarup James Potter, Evie Figg, River Fenwick, Scarlet Robloutain - 225
January: Adeline Morior, Artemisia Thorne, Hiya Debnath, Evony Senoj - 200; Viviana Kingston - 200; Dibyarup James Potter, Janne Halla, River Fenwick - 200
February: Artemisia Thorne, Hiya Debnath - 160; Katherine Laurier, Lex Green, Viviana Kingston - 160; Dibyarup James Potter, Janne Halla, River Fenwick, Scarlet Robloutain - 160
March: Hiya Debnath - 600; Lex Green, Viviana Kingston - 600; Dibyarup James Potter, Janne Halla, River Fenwick - 600
April: Adeline Morior - 160; Lex Green - 160; Dibyarup James Potter, Janne Halla, River Fenwick, Ellie Vernez - 160
May: Adeline Morior - 160; Lex Green, Viviana Kingston - 160; Dibyarup James Potter, Janne Halla, River Fenwick - 160
June: Dibyarup James Potter, River Fenwick - 40
July: Adeline Morior, Evelin Stockom, Galena May - 225; Lex Green - 75; Dibyarup James Potter, Emily Spencer, Janne Halla, River Fenwick - 225
Keep track via the Sapphires Spreadsheet.