Activity Introduction


Moderators: Prof. Sindor Aloyarc, Adeline Morior, Katherine Laurier, Prof. Alexander Brighton, Silvana Mandeville

Activity Introduction

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Thu Feb 29, 2024 9:40 pm

It’s a few weeks into spring term, and everything has been moving along swimmingly. You had a fantastic time at the Beating Heart’s Ball in February, and you’re excited to be heading into Ravenclaw Pride Month.

Some of the special things happening around the castle —like the raffle for winning a free subscription to The Quibbler!— are to be presented by staff members, while some will be led by students (mostly on the sly).

Yesterday the secret sweets shop behind a bookcase in the great foyer was open for extended hours, with special discounts on all eagle inspired treats!

There’s even a Hogsmeade field trip planned toward the end of the month where you get to travel by floo powder, learning about its invention in the thirteenth century by Ravenclaw’s own Ignatia Wildsmith.

The one dark cloud on your horizon is the student who’s been… well, frankly they’ve been a bit of a bully to you this year. You can’t imagine what’s gotten into them.

For the most part you’ve been able to brush their foolish antics aside, focusing on your studies and extra curricular activities instead. But as misfortune would have it, they got caught during the last prank they tried pulling on you (bewitching your quills to write naughty messages) by one of the class assistants, Head Student Mia Fountain.

“Really?” Mia frowned at them upon scrutinizing your essay, knowing you wouldn’t lie about your peer’s transgression. “Calling your professor a ‘mudblood’ and framing someone else?”

Apparently they’d already been skating on thin ice when it comes to misbehavior, and this was the last straw. They wound up losing their privileges for attending the field trip, which of course only caused them to blame you. Amping up their goal of teasing and terrorizing you at every possible opportunity.

Usually their japes are pretty harmless, but now they’ve even started threatening to cast jinxes and hexes on you, saying to “Watch your back.”

Like it’s my fault I was the one in their line of fire when they got caught? You keep thinking to yourself. At least they won’t be allowed in Hogsmeade to spoil your fun.

You reckon it’s going to be a long and frustrating three weeks regardless.

Ugh, how will I manage to defend myself?
Deputy Headmaster | Deputy Head of Ravenclaw
"⁠—Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue & grey."
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Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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