Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”


Moderator: Katherine Laurier

Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”

Postby Katherine Laurier » Sat May 25, 2024 5:00 pm

Now that the mystery has been solved, the committee is no longer the Celestial Conundrum Committee. It makes you reflect on how bittersweet this was, how the chaos ended, thus so did the committee.

You all are sitting together once again in your regular spot at the Great Hall, and realize how this has become not just a group of determined people gathered together with an objective, but also friends who know each other on a personal level.

Write a letter of at least 125 words to the committee, whether it be thanking them, saying goodbye, recalling favorite memories, something else, or a mix of all of the above.

This task is worth 10 beans. You can earn an additional 10 bonus beans for completing all Week Four tasks by Friday, May 31st, at 11:59 PM (HOL time).
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Re: Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”

Postby River Fenwick » Sun May 26, 2024 1:56 pm

Dear Celestial Conundrum Committee,

This letter will mark the end of our time together, as the mystery has been solved. With your help, the strange occurrences around the castle have ceased, and things have returned to their former state. We have created some great memories together during this investigation, which I will always hold dear. I have learned so much from our search for answers and will keep it in mind the next time something strange happens in the castle, which, if we're being realistic, definitely will. I want to thank everyone on the committee for their roles in returning peace to our castle, as I'm not sure if we would have been able to solve it as fast as we did without all of your help.

Goodbye, Celestial Conundrum Committee.

-River Fenwick
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Re: Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Sun May 26, 2024 5:41 pm

The Ex-Members of the Celestial Conundrum Committee,

It has been a pleasure to have worked with you to solve this mystery that had been plaguing our beloved school. Due to our excellent teamwork, coordination, intelligence and bravery, the strange occurrences around the school have now stopped and everything is back to normal, which is a relief, to say the least. I will always cherish the time I have spent with you all.

I have learnt so much over the month from each and every one of you that it feels like a shame to bring that momentum to a halt. So, I would like to extend my offer to each of you reading this letter, to join me in the formation of a formal group of friends, just with the few of us, so that we can work together in the future, as well as continue to learn from each other in the time being.

Looking forward to your responses.

Yours truly,
Dibyarup James Potter
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Re: Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”

Postby Adeline Morior » Mon May 27, 2024 9:14 am

Dearest members,

I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the effort put into our lovely committee and in setting the magic at our school straight. The journey have been one of spectacular phenomena and beautiful friendship bonds have formed in these last few weeks. Marveling at the beauty of the cosmos together and learning more about its secrets.

Whether it be looking for the artefact, exploring the castle or becoming wiser in our magic, thank you for all the effort put in, the strengths shown and commitment to the cause. May this be a great remembering and lesson in the coming times of our lives. I hope to be able to work together again on other projects and may our friendships carry on into the new school years ahead.

With love and kindness.
Your friend and fellow committee member,
Adeline Morior

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Re: Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”

Postby Viviana Kingston » Tue May 28, 2024 5:31 pm

To the Celestial Conundrum Committee,

I wish to thank you for all the experiences we engaged in as a committee. It was extremely fun and great opportunity to befriend all of you as well learn from all of you. Us banding together, search for the artifact and restoring peace to the school…I feel we've all took something from this committee and I have taken away not only some new tips and tricks but comraderie as well. We've made some awesome memories together that I'll cherish and I hope we'll get to make many more. I feel sad that we have to part ways, but I know there will always be something magical to bring us together again. If not magical, I hope to extend our friendships throughout our studies here.

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Re: Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”

Postby Lex Green » Thu May 30, 2024 12:18 pm

To the entire Celestial Conundrum Committee,

I wanted to take this opportunity to try and put into words how much our time together has meant to me. We started as a group of people haphazardly clumped together to try and hit one tiny objective, but we've become so much more.

It has been an honour to work alongside each and every one of you. Your talents, your intelligence, your kindness; I have experienced each of these throughout our time together, and I feel privileged to be able to say that I had the chance to.

We came together to work, but we also ended up having a great deal of fun. We are so much more than colleagues or team members, we are friends, and I will always cherish that.

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Re: Week Four - Task 12. - “Bittersweetness”

Postby Janne Halla » Fri May 31, 2024 7:19 pm

My dear friends,
I'd like to thank you for all the fun and wonderful times we've had during this time. It was a mystery that left us quite stumped on more than one occasion, but at least we figured it all out.
More because of you than me, to be perfectly honest.
I really liked our time in the library the best. I've learned so many new things that I couldn't even imagine. I always thought that comets and asteroids were the same thing.
And watching that meteor shower. Wowsie!
I hope we'll find our way back to each other on more occasions, less mysterious than this one, at least. :D
As for farewell, I'll quote one of the most intelligent species on this planet.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
- Janne
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