Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”


Moderator: Katherine Laurier

Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby Katherine Laurier » Fri May 03, 2024 3:46 pm

The evening has come. You, Nina, and your other friends decide to fill your stomachs before watching the meteor shower. You and the group take your seats beside each other at the Great Hall, enjoying your dinner. From time to time, as you enjoy your food, you look up at the enchanted ceiling and imagine the meteors shooting down and passing by.

“It’s going to be beautiful!” Nina exclaims with a smile, and everyone agrees without a doubt that it will be.

The time passes and you all walk together after finishing your meals, finding a good open area to have a great view of the meteor shower. You decide to stay on the Paved Grounds. Minutes after you settle in your spots, you all begin to squeal as you see the shooting stars.

The sight was gorgeous, just as Nina said it would be. You take in the view of the yellow-white dashing past Earth, one after the other. You are stunned by the beauty of it, along with everyone else watching.

Write a poem of at least 100 words about the experience and include at least 4 of the following words in your poem: Sky, Astronomy, Star, Meteor, Gaze, Night, Comet.

Alternatively, make a wish on a shooting star, or if you have multiple in mind, make multiple wishes – this is a shower of shooting stars after all! In at least 125 words, share some wishes that you have. Why do you wish for them? These may be wishes for inside HOL and/or outside.

This task is worth 10 beans. You can earn an additional 10 bonus beans for completing all Week One tasks by Friday, May 31st, at 11:59 PM (HOL time).
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Re: Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby Janne Halla » Fri May 03, 2024 3:57 pm

In the velvet night, under a celestial ballet,
We gather to witness the grand display,
space's wonders on the full array,
As meteors streak across the Milky Way.

Beneath the vast expanse of sky,
On Paved Grounds where dreams alight,
We sit under night's embrace,
To witness stars in their cosmic race.

The night alive with celestial light,
As stars twinkle in their silent flight,
A comet's tail, a majestic sight,
Painting the heavens with pure delight.

In awe, we marvel at the stellar scene,
Lost in the beauty of the cosmic dream,
Each meteor is a messenger, serene,
In the vast expanse, an eternal theme.

So, let us linger, beneath the starry dome,
In the embrace of the night, we roam,
For in this moment, we find our home,
Beneath the meteor shower's celestial foam.
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Re: Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby River Fenwick » Fri May 03, 2024 6:20 pm

Whispers of a meteor shower can be heard through the castle,
Getting a good view of the sky will undoubtedly be a hassle.
Students talk of crowding in the Astronomy Tower to get a view,
Just to be able to gaze and even be willing to break curfew.

The night will surely be one to remember,
With shooting stars ablaze like an ember.
We watch for any signs of the comet pieces,
As all the students' excitement increases.

The shower was magnificent as it came down,
Relatively faster than expected, many missing it with a frown,
I'd hate to be them, as it was rather profound,
We all must sneak back to our dorms, ideally without a sound.
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Re: Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Fri May 03, 2024 8:20 pm

Love Under The Star-Filled Sky
Dibyarup James Potter

Beneath a velvet night,
The Great Hall's glow subsides.
Belly full of laughter, shared with you, my love,
Under the stars we confide.

Your smile is like the moonlight’s grace,
Upon the ceiling's dome.
We chase imaginary meteors,
A wish whispered close to home.

Anticipation hangs, the air is crisp and cool,
Everything’s right here, with nothing to steal away.
Hand in hand we reach new heights,
Where the sky is painted by starlight’s ray.

Gazing at the star-filled sky,
Lost in awe, with you by my side.
A million burning stories are whispered,
Where darkness can never hide.

No astronomer, no map, could chart this course we take.
Just meteors, like fleeting flames, for our love's endless sake.
A silent symphony of light, a cosmic, fleeting spark,
This night, a memory etched, with your touch leaving its mark.
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Re: Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby Evony Senoj » Sun May 12, 2024 1:18 am

Stomach full and dreams alive!
Trying so hard not to close my eyes...
My gaze is locked, watching as comets streak across the skies!

From Astronomy nerd to complete amateur,
Everyone gathers to see a meteor.
Together with friends, gasping as if we are at the theater!

The clear sky has been a boon,
But we all know it'll be over too soon.
Once the stars stop falling, we'll be left with nothing but the moon.

Eyes drooping, yawning,
Mere hours before the sky will be dawning.
The memories of this night will be worth the tired face we all will be donning.
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Re: Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby Adeline Morior » Wed May 22, 2024 8:22 am

As I gazed upon the night sky,
My heart would skip a beat.
In wonder and amazement,
My soul would be complete.

Should I wish upon a star,
As I gaze at the unknown?
Will the moon light my path,
As my future might be known?

Astronomy brightens my horizon,
As I peak out in the night.
Meteors that are falling,
In and out of sight.

I can rhyme and I can dance,
What changes it might bring.
Will it stop when the morning comes?
Will my soul continue sing?

How far it must travel,
Passing home now again.
Comet travelling at speed,
Exploring its domain.

As it heads out again,
I surely must turn home.
The morning sun brightens,
In its warmth my soul has grown.

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Re: Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby Lex Green » Fri May 24, 2024 2:35 pm

As the night grows darker by the second,
And the silver stars start to form and fall
We gaze up in joy and amazement
At the miraculous wonder of it all

The meteors racing through the air
Make the sky blaze warm and bright
They bring a peace, a calmness falls
Through the pitch black of the night

Each tiny spot of star-bright silver
Glistens one by one by one
But when they come together, their shining
Is second place to not a single one

All the wonders of the endless outer space
And the timeless beauty of each
Cross our minds as we spy on the flickers of light
How wondrous is the world that is just out of reach
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Re: Week One - Task 01. - “Shooting Stars”

Postby Viviana Kingston » Wed May 29, 2024 4:53 pm

Who gazes into the night sky
And not hopes for a wishing star,
Or a meteor shower
Or something spectacular
that will take their breath away?
You needn't know Astronomy
To spot a comet in the sky,
As it streaks across,
Passing by.
Make a wish,
Hum your favourite tune
And hope the stars listen
And your dreams come true.
Watch as the dark sky,
Has light scattered across,
Like raindrops
Running down a windscreen.
Maybe grab a picture,
A video or two,
A keepsake,
Anything will do.
Call your friends,
Whoever's keen to see,
And revel in the moments
of wishing stars
And meteor showers.
- Viviana Kingston
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