Image features the middle section of a humanoid being from sternum to above the knees, whose lower body is wrapped in flowing garments. Their outstretched palms and feathered wings are lit from the brilliant, cloudy sky behind. The skin of their open arms and abdominal area ranges in shades of blue and is speckled with a multitude of different kinds of eyes. Text reads ‘Be Not Afraid. Extraterrestrial Explorations’
“Would you believe it if you knew what you were for, and how you became so informed? Bodies of info performing such miracles. I am a miracle made up of particles.”
— Lyrics shared throughout this activity are from the beautiful “Aloha Ke Akua” by Nahko And Medicine For The People. While there is a mild expletive in the song itself (should you seek it out at your own discretion), that will of course not be included here at HOL.
A note from Sin: This activity has been created for entertainment purposes only. Whether you find the notion of extraterrestrial life to be exciting, overwhelming, or foolish, the “aliens” mentioned and plot points expressed are open to a wide range of versions and interpretations, as would any of the fairies or other fantastical beings we are familiar with. Such as the nature of creative writing, I ask for a little leeway in my presentation of this story where it may differ from your own preferences or ideas, as I’ve bent and blurred some information from different perspectives to suit the needs of our fun here this month. My hope is that you’ll enjoy the experience while we wrap up our 2023/2024 year of bringing Sapphires back to Ravenclaw!
Organized by:
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
• July 7: Week One Posted
• July 14: Week Two Posted
• July 21: Week Three Posted
• July 28: Everything Due
Up For Grabs:
• 225 beans/sapphires and up to 2 shinies spread over 12 tasks! (15 per task, plus a bonus 15 each week for submitting all four tasks over any given week by end of activity).
• The Greys award:

For completing 6 tasks.
• The Reptilians award:

For completing all 12 tasks.
Award images feature the face of their respective extraterrestrial races.
Join in:
This is a castle-wide activity. Post below expressing your interest in joining and I'll add you to the list! You do not need to wait to start submitting any available tasks.
** Participants: **
River Fenwick
Anne-Marie Gagne
Adeline Morior
Galena May
Dibyarup James Potter
Evelin Stockom
Lex Green
Katherine Laurier
Janne Halla
Emily Spencer
Lexa Winslow
Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis
Prof. Will Lestrange
Prof. Kendra Givens
Aquaria Sandalwood
Ellie Vernez
Elara Silverwood
Harry Walles
Louis Walles
Keep tabs on your progress with the "Be Not Afraid" Spreadsheet!
All tasks will offer two options for completion, however if you find neither suits your personal needs, do reach out to clarify/chat about potential alternative options.
— QUESTIONS may be posted below or sent via Private Messaging.
Questions might include:
• How late can I start participating?
You may join in at anytime, however everything is due by Sunday July 28th at 11:59pm (HOL time).
• Is AI acceptable to use for completing tasks?
In the case of writing assignments, this means you cannot submit text generated by an AI/ML tool and claim it as your own. Everything you submit must be written in your own words.
In the case of artwork, graphics that are purely AI/ML generated are not permitted. As many graphics on HOL rely on source material that you do not create yourself (such as stock images and elements), we can’t prevent you from using AI generated art as part of a graphics submission but you must have altered, added to or manipulated the source material in some way to create a graphic. This is exactly the same approach we would take with photographs that were not directly taken by you.
From the “Use of AI Tools at HOL” post on the main forum.
• What if I can't (or don't want to) do a Task?
If accomplishing parts of this activity becomes impractical or undesirable for any reason, please feel more than encouraged to ask for an alternative if one hasn't been provided, suggest something, or skip that section altogether. Our goal is to have fun! We simply wish to support your most enjoyable experience while you earn credits as deserved.
• How do I post Graphics?
A few popular Image Hosting sites are Postimages, Imgur, and Imgbb where you can upload your work, the locate a direct link toward sharing elsewhere. The “BBCode” to attach on The Roost forum submissions (which can be accomplished automatically for you by the click of a button from options at the top of your editing page) is [*img][*/img] with url in the middle (i.e. [*img]link[*/img]) — NOTE: You would remove the asterisks (*) in order for this code to be successful. They’re added here to display the example effectively. Images imbedded directly into posts must be kept within 600x600 pixels.
• Can I come and go as I please?
Absolutely! There are no rules against passing over anything you're not interested in, or doing tasks out of order. No pressure at all.
• Do I have to post submissions to the forums?
While we love seeing people posting/interact together should that be their preference, if you would feel more comfortable turning in some or all of your work via private message where prompted otherwise, that's perfectly fine!