Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros


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Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Aquaria Sandalwood » Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:03 am

Stting in your compartment on the train with your friends, you stare out the window in deep thought. As fun as summer was, it is just as exciting to contemplate the year ahead. You get so lost in your thoughts that you don’t notice the snack trolley come and go, a couple of times. You finally realize that you need to do something to center you, to bring you back into the present with your friends and housemates. You search through your bag for something to work on and you remember the new drawing set that your sibling gave you as a going-away present.
When you find it, you get excited again at the prospect of exercising your creative side. It’s not often that you can create what you choose, as busy as school keeps you. You set out all of your supplies and wait a moment for inspiration to hit.

Task: Create a signature or avatar that shows your personal interests. It can be related to summer vacations as well. Anything that inspires you to be creative or that you think is fun. It can be something that reminds you of Hogwarts or HOL. Please keep everything HOL-appropriate, including the size of your signature (250 x 100 pixels) or avatar (100 x 100 pixels).

Alternatively, you can write out how you would design an avatar or signature depicting your unique interests in 100 words minimum.

This task is worth 10 beans, with 15 additional beans available if all Week One activities are completed. Everything is due by 11:59 pm HOL time on September 30th.
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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Adeline Morior » Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:23 pm


I love mechanical things such as gears and trains, I also love old vintage things like maps, compasses and castles. Always reminds me of Hogwarts. I can imagen I would enjoy the ride over on the train. The sight of the train and the castle would inspire me to sketch.

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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:32 pm

To design an avatar and signature depicting my unique interests, I would combine elements from Hogwarts, with personal symbols. The background would be a soft gradient of off-white and yellow ochre, giving it a vintage tone and making it look peaceful. In the foreground, I’d sketch an open spellbook surrounded by runic symbols signifying a blend of knowledge, magic and imagination. A quill will be levitating beside the book, drawing symbols that represent various elements of magic. Lastly, I would draw a wooden frame with vines full of vibrant berries intertwined around it, bringing the whole design together while also adding a touch of natural colour.
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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby River Fenwick » Fri Sep 06, 2024 3:27 pm

I would design an avatar and signature with a more peaceful background. They would likely contain a relaxing scene of the outdoors, possibly of the Forbidden Forest during the daytime hours. Light would shine through the trees, and the soft glow of the sun would be seen near the top of the trees. I'd also throw in a snake or two, maybe a ball python or hognose snake, to represent myself as a Slytherin and a snake lover in general. To end it, I'd put a puzzle overlay on the entirety of the image to show my love for all kinds of puzzles, wrapping up the avatar and signature neatly.
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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Emily Spencer » Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:49 pm

Image Image
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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Lex Green » Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:43 pm

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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Lexa Winslow » Sun Sep 08, 2024 8:29 pm

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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Lexa Winslow » Sun Sep 08, 2024 8:30 pm

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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Ellie Vernez » Mon Sep 09, 2024 9:41 pm

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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Luna Ravenlong » Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:26 pm

The background of my avatar would be the Great Lake at Hogwarts, with the Forbidden Forrest in the background. This would be at sunset, with the moon reflecting off the lake and a darkening sky. It would include a stack of books to represent my love of reading and two springer spaniels in the shallows of the lake, to portray my dogs (and love of dogs in general). Finally, there would be an Eagle swooping in the sky, to represent Ravenclaw, along with a snowy owl, for Hedwig.
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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Galena May » Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:44 am



I used the new drawing set to make a picture of myself in my Ravenclaw Hogwarts uniform and robes, and Diagon Alley, together representing my recent past (shopping at Diagon Alley for school supplies during summer break) and immediate future (going to school in Ravenclaw coloured Hogwarts robes). My avatar and signature reflect the same against a backdrop of blue with my name written in bronze (blue and bronze being my house colours). There is an additional spell book on my avatar, indicating that my thoughts are leaning more towards my immediate academic future. This represents my transition from my recent past, providing a glimpse of what I enjoyed most during my summer break, to my immediate future and what I am looking forward to.
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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Mina Duchanne » Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:08 pm

My Character had long black hair and steel blue eyes. She's often quiet and keeps to herself. She is beyond excited to join Hogwarts and hopefully to make new friends. She loves thunderstorms and anything Fall related.
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Re: Week 1 - Task 1 - Creative Intros

Postby Janne Halla » Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:27 pm

Since one of my main hobbies and interests is woodworking, I'd feature it prominently in both pieces.

Avatar would be a soft dove grey with a dark grey border. It'd feature a crossed hammer and screwdriver, with golden stars around them.

The signature would be the same grey background colours, but the pattern of the background would be like that of wood, with lines and swirls around the area. It'd feature a circular saw (let's imagine it's powered by magic) with Janne Halla etched in the head and a piece of wood pointed at it, right before it's cut. The part of the signature where it's emptier, either on the left or right side, there'd be wooden flowers spreading from that point towards the main motif.
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