Starring...Debate Competitions!

Debate Club

Moderators: Prof. Kendra Givens, Prof. Alexander Brighton, Amy Smith, Ravenclaw Staff

Starring...Debate Competitions!

Postby Leonie Hauri » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:05 am

A great new addition to the debate club is debate competitions!

How does it work? Each month, we will host a debate competition throughout the month. Anyone may join, and the ultimate winner will receive a prize to be announced later, as well as smaller prizes for second and third place.

Firstly, there will be a sign-up thread. In the thread, we will state what the topic is going to be. You may indicate a preferrence as to whether you will take pro or con side, but ultamitely Iris and I will decide. This is to balance things out.

For each round, all participants must write an argument defending their side. In this scenario, the actual argument is more important than which side 'wins' or 'loses!. Joey and I will judge who will move on to the next round of the competition purely based on the argument everyone presented. You may only post one time with your argument.

Which means the longer, the better, right?
Um, no. Not always. We want quality, not quantity. On the other hand, we are probably more likely to pick you if you submit more than one sentence. Keep in mind your arguments will be public. So if you submit an argument stating 'Leonie is definitely the best debate judge because Leonie is amazing at everything'...erm...that may be better to send in a private message...*quickly looks at Iris*

Every round, some people will be 'eliminated' from the competition. The amount of people to be eliminated depends on the amount of people participating. The amount of rounds also depends on the amount of participants, as well as what dates those rounds will be. Remember, we will do everything we can to make sure it is all balanced out.

At the end of the month, prizes will be handed out, as follows:

1st Place: (TBD)
2nd Place: (TBD)
3rd Place: (TBD)

As you can see, this idea is still being discussed. However, our first debate competition should take place around September.
Leonie Hauri
My MC is a... Erumpent
Posts: 626
Joined: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:59 am

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