Week 5 - Colosseum Nonogram


Moderators: Prof. Kendra Givens, Gail Allen

Week 5 - Colosseum Nonogram

Postby Prof. Kendra Givens » Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:26 pm

Our next destination is Rome, Italy, where we can visit the Roman Colosseum. Emperor Vespasian commissioned the Colosseum to be built in 80 A.D., and it served as an amphitheater for gladiator competition and other forms of entertainment for around 50,000 people at one time. Your task is to complete the following nonogram, which depicts the Colosseum after the damage it has taken over the years since it was built.


Upload your solution to an image hosting site and mail a link to ravenclawevent @ gmail.com (no spaces) with the title "Week 5 - Colosseum" to get a piece of this week’s password for the Treasure Hunt, and, of course, earn yourself 10 beans (+5 beans if it is handed in before the 12th of August).
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Prof. Kendra Givens
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