Task 15 - Celebrate!


Task 15 - Celebrate!

Postby Gail Allen » Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:39 pm

Now that we are nearing the end and we will surely be able to catch the Sinister Snowmen within the next few days, it is time to plan how to best celebrate. After all, we would not want to stand completely without plans once we finally complete our goal.

So, describe how you would celebrate the capture of the last of the Sinister Snowmen.
What would we be eating? What songs would be sung? Would you combine it with another celebration or purposefully split it from any other traditions to make sure it gets its own glory?

Write at least 100 words about your celebration and post it below by 11.59 on the 31st of December.
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Re: Task 15 - Celebrate!

Postby Prof. Will Lestrange » Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:58 pm

Capturing all the snowmen requires a pretty big celebration! The Hogwarts-based tradition for all celebrations that involve the whole school (not just a single house) is a large dinnertime feast and I feel this tradition would make perfect sense. We need all of our standard savoury feast dishes: meats and sides exactly as depicted in all of the Hogwarts feasts, plus a few of the types of stews that would go particularly well on cold days. For the desserts, this is where the theme can come into play. Why not have some "snowmen" based desserts: ranging from gingerbread men designed to look like snowmen to various types of ice cream dishes, including the American tradition of "snowballs"?
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Re: Task 15 - Celebrate!

Postby Prof. Tarma Amelia Black » Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:36 am

Capturing (or melting down) of all the Sinister Snowmen does deserve some sort of acknowledgement - but I'm wondering if focusing on the elimination of them is really needed? They are GONE, after all. I think that something which can acknowledge the threat and danger, and the elimination of it, and the celebration of those who are, and that which is, 'good' would be a nice thing.

What about snow games? Sledding and snow-shoeing and skiing and the building of snow forts and snow-ball fights? That can be in the day, and a great big bonfire set in the middle of a clearing where people can roast marshmallows and hotdogs and have melted chocolate on ice cream.

While it's not exactly appropriate in the words, I think a song based on Ghostbusters** would be apt (just change the words around)!

If there's something strange
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Who you gonna call?
I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
I ain't 'fraid of no ghost
If you're seeing things
Running through your head
Who can you call?
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