Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”


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Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Amy Smith » Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:34 pm

Summer was just around the corner and you were very excited as you wouldn't have to study as well as you could spend time with your friends and family or visit different places. You had tons of things to do as well as things to plan before you went for your vacation, so before doing all of that you go to the Grand Hall, where you meet your friends.

You and your friends talk for a long while, after which one of them brings up the topic of How your idle vacation would be and asks all of you. One of your friends starts saying what their idle vacation would be and each one of them go into detail and some tell you that they dream of visiting Paris and exploring the place, the other say that they would just like to sit at their home and get some sleep. After a while your turn comes, which also meant that you had to talk about your ideal vacation.

Please write about what your "ideal vacation" would be like in 150 words and post it below. This task is worth 10 beans with an additional 10 bonus beans for completing all Week Three tasks by end of activity. Deadline is 11:59pm (HOL time) on Monday November 28th.
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:28 pm

My ideal vacation would be to travel down Route 66. There is so much to explore across the United States and taking the historic route would be the perfect way to do so!

Unfortunately, it is mostly in bits and pieces now with only a few spots in different states becoming Historic Routes after the U.S. Highway System removed the route after a lot of it was replaced by Interstate Highway System. But, it is not hard to find a route that would take you almost the same way that the famous Route 66 took.

The route started in Chicago, Illinois and goes through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona before ending at the Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica, California.

In Illinois, there's Lou Mitchell's Restaurant at the start in Chicago. Then the Chain of Rocks Bridge that is 60-feet above the Mississippi River that has a 30-degree angle turn in the middle of it.

In Missouri, there's the Gillioz Theatre in Springfield, Missouri. For a place to stay, there's the historic Red Cedar Inn in Pacific, Missouri.

Now in Kansas there isn't many Route 66 historic spots since the route barely hit the corner of the state near Missouri and Oklahoma. Visiting the Historic District of East Galena, which is the oldest mining town in Kansas.

In Oklahoma, there's the McLain Rogers Park and the Rock Café.

Texas has plenty of Historic districts on Route 66, including the Glenrio Historic District. It also have the Ranchotel in Amarillo, Texas.

New Mexico has the Cottage Bakery, which went through many, many types of businesses in it's life. For souvenirs from New Mexico, the Maisel’s Indian Trading Post is a good place to go since it has been selling goods there for 65 years.

Arizona has a lot of bridges that one can visit. The Old Trails Bridge which is a 800-foot bridge that crosses the Colorado River in Topock, Arizona.

And finally in California, before you would hit the Santa Monica Pier, there are a few places you can explore that were on the original Route 66. The Broadway Theater and Commercial District is one of the biggest areas to visit. It spans 7 city blocks in Los Angeles, California.
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Rhaneyra Black » Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:09 pm

My ideal vacation would be going to Italy. Where I am from the sights are beautiful but we aren't that advanced with much things. Italy has always been one of the places I have always wanted to go.

Italy is rich in history, the food is absolutely mouth watering, and not to mention the language is beautiful. I had realized that I wanted to visit this country not because of reviews or because someone I knew went there, it was because I read Eat, Pray, Love. It is one of my most favorite books of self discovery and one of the places Liz Taylor goes to is Italy. So of course I wanted to go there.

There are beautiful canals you can go on rides on with gondoliers, I think that's the spelling, And buildings which are now abandoned for you to explore. There are restaurants where you can eat high class food, and dives where you can eat simple things like wood oven pizza. There are also people whom can teach you about the city, tour guides that maybe you can trust to teach you the language, people you can meet whom will tell you how to love the city.

This is the one place I would want to go, mainly because Italy is a city where no one cares who you are, most of the people there are tourists whom come for the food anyway.
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Prof. Will Lestrange » Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:11 am

My ideal vacation has always involved escaping the winter. In late January or early February, where the winter weather is at the most frustratingly cold, my dream therefore involves going to the Southern Hemisphere, where it is summer instead! Although I've thought about trips to Chile, my Southern Hemisphere fantasies usually revolve around two countries: Australia and New Zealand.

Because these countries are primarily English-speaking, I don't need to worry about not knowing enough of the local language to get around. Better still, this means I would have a fairly easy time meeting people without having to worry about language barriers. And there is so much to see and do down there: deserts, beaches, cities, and I can see all sorts of wildlife that I would never see back in the Northern Hemisphere! And that's not even getting into the Great Barrier Reef... which looks so gorgeous from photos that I have to imagine it would look even better in person!
And being able to swim in the warm summer waters of the reef would remind me that I'm escaping the bitter cold of winter back home...
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Kalgri Sicaria » Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:23 pm

My ideal vacation would be a tour of historical sites in the Mediterranean. I have visited a lot of Roman sites throughout Italy, so I would probably like to go somewhere else. I know that there are a lot of ancient sites along the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia, and further south into Albania could also be interesting. I would absolutely love to visit Greece, having never been to the mainland, I definitely want to visit Athens and Corinth, as well as exploring the Minoan ruins on Crete. Out of all the ancient sites that I know of, I most want to visit those left by the Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great. He is my favourite historical person, and I would love to visit what remains of his rule. I love to explore multiple cultures and places during a single vacation - I want to see everything!! I have to be careful when it comes to food, so being in countries where I am familiar enough with the local cuisine is important - so staying in Europe tends to be the best solution for me.
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Aurelia West » Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:38 am

Honestly, I feel like I recently had what I’d call an ideal vacation, but I’ll put some ideas in the hat for another great one!

Now where I go depends on the time of year, but I love getting away to nature. I’m not necessarily a hiker, but I love exploring different areas and finding little paths and strange architectural structures. There is an old castle near us that is only half standing, and that is exactly the place that I’d love to just stumble across accidentally on a prime exploratory vacation.

I also love visiting museums, eating at local restaurants, and trying to immerse myself in places that I wouldn’t find back home. I have a strange enjoyment of walking large malls, even if I never go inside a store. I love finding independent bookstores and could sit in them for hours. I like seeing shows, both popular folks and those I’ve never seen. I like finding out what places are known for. I don’t know if I have a dream travel destination, just a strong desire to experience different things. Here is to more opportunities to do just that!
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Adeline Morior » Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:19 pm

My ideal vacation would be lightly planned but not strictly kept. We would travel in a beautiful natural area with loads of forests and fields, highlands and small towns with history and friendly communities. On foot, with bicycles or even on animal backs such as horses or camels. Nature is where I am most peaceful. Taking time to breathe the fresh air, the smells of the environment and to take in the scenery at our own relaxed pace.

That to say we would not be without our trusted modern technology to help make it even more memorable such as with accommodation, cooking and cameras to take the most amazing photos we can. I would take the time to paint along the roads with water colours or sketch with charcoal.

I always dream and imagine a road on a cliffside along the forest at hogwarts. With the lake and castle seen in the near distance. The sun setting to illuminate the scene in beautiful orange, purple and reds. That is the ideal vacation. No tourist lists and schedules. Just pure spontaneous peace and joy.

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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Caius Magnusson » Thu Nov 24, 2022 11:29 am

If money weren't an issue, I would love to do an amusement park tour throughout Europe. I have discovered a passion for rollercoasters and all sorts of rides very late in my life, and having that kind of vacation would be a good way to make up for all of the time that I have lost in the past!

There are a few parks that I already have my eye on - for instance, I would love to go to Energylandia in Poland and Alton Towers in the United Kingdom!

Of course, I will probably travel with more people, so exclusively visiting amusements parks is probably going to be out of the question (particularly because my parents are really not fans of thrilling rides). In that case, I would also like to visit some historical buildings and famous monuments, particularly if they are not the stereotypical ones that everyone thinks of when they hear the country's name.
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Ereshkigal Csintalan » Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:40 pm

There isn’t a specific place that I have in mind when it comes to an ideal vacation, but I do prefer somewhere that has lots of different things to see and do. I like to explore new places and do both the touristy things and the less known attractions too. Usually when I prepare for a trip, I will make a list of all things I’d like to do while there (think museums, markets, etc) and try to do some or all of them. I love learning about the local history of the area I’m in too so if there are any kind of tours covering that, sign me up!

So even though I like city breaks, I love the coast too. I like to walk along the beach and feel the nice sea breeze, listen to the sound of the gulls (but not getting too close as birds are scary!) and just have a nice time. It’s the perfect temperature too with that breeze as I don’t do well in the heat. These kinds of places remind me of childhood as well so it’s very nostalgic and I love that.

So based on what I’ve written, I guess my ideal vacation is a historic city by the coast!
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Louis Walles » Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:50 pm

I have always wanted to go to Iceland and so I guess I have always considered this to be my perfect vacation. There are so many places in Iceland that I would love to see but I think most of all I would love to go and see whales. Whale watching is quite a lovely activity in Iceland and so surely that has to be done on my perfect holiday. I would also love to go shopping, especially in the capital since there are most shops there. I would buy tones of souvenirs and especially fridge magnets. We collect them and I want to add some to our collection. Maybe I would see if there are some clothing shops I have never heard of and get some nice things for myself. I want to take my husband and our children to Iceland. What holiday would it be without them by my side?
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Re: Summer - Task #11. - “Ideal Vacations”

Postby Harry Walles » Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:58 pm

I personally would love to go to Egypt. I have never been there and would love to see the Pyramids. I am a huge fan of the Egyptian history and all the gods from their beliefs. I am fascinated with the ancient times and Egypt has so many wonders and mysteries, for example who and how built the pyramids? They are so complex and so there has to be more secrets behind them! I would absolutely take plenty of photos, of the views and my family. I would also film my husband constantly complaining how hot it is and how he wants to sit down or just go home. Then, I would go shopping. Plenty of souvenirs as well as local fruits. I would check out some clothing stores to get their latest fashion trends. I would maybe also check out some restaurants to try and experience everything, as much as possible.
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