
Moderator: Chantel Poole


Postby Chantel Poole » Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:03 am

We are nearing the end of Gary’s trip, and have had a lot of success so far! He's laughed, he's cried, and he has even had time to work on his creative side. Gary can see his home on the horizon, and he couldn't be happier now! That is thanks to YOU and your help raising the Magic Meter this month! Hurray! Help Gary on the final push of his trip back home, he's almost there!

This is a bonus task made just in case you missed/despised/forgot a task along the way, or if you just like doing extra work :)
Answer these four questions, with as little or as much detail as you would like (obviously put in some effort) :)
What was your favorite task for this activity?
What would you like to see in future activities?
Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they?
IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why?

Post below OR by email (with your HOL name included) to and by January 31st at 11:59pm HOL time to earn 10 beans.
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:23 pm

Do I need to do these? Nah. Am I bored and therefore will do these? Yes haha.

1) Oh, I loved all the puzzle tasks a lot. I'd probably say the logic puzzle because it was the most rewarding to me to figure out. They're the most difficult puzzles one for me to figure out.

2) Doubling back on the first question, I'd probably like to see more logic puzzles in future. I'm not the biggest fan of writing prompts.

3) I don't usually make any goals in the new year but I think the only one I have for this year is to make a quilt for my dad. He got me a sewing machine for Christmas so it's only fair my first thing made with it is a quilt for him haha.

4) Ohh, if I had a penguin I'd probably name it after a character. Right now I've been re-watching (over and over and over again) the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies so they would probably be named after one of them. (Most likely Fili or Kili. I love those boys so much.)

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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Emily Spencer » Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:48 pm

1. I loved all the writing prompts. I don’t mind puzzles, but due to time constraints, a lot of times it was far easier to write something than slog through a puzzle. Plus it allowed me to get creative, and that was a big plus as well.

2. I loved the format you had here, with a good mixture of puzzles and creative. Maybe more artwork opportunities would be nice.

3. I have a few goals this year. HOL-wise, my goal is to be more active around the forums again, and actually pass all of my classes. Another HOL goal is to write Part 2 of Astrological Road Trip and have it ready for the start of Autumn term. Personal wise, I vow to eat healthier and lay off all the junk food.

4. If I had a penguin, I would probably name it Grogu, after Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian.. Baby Yoda is my favorite character ever (just ask Tarma) and one could even say it’s a mild obesssion. So I would love for my beloved penguin to have the name of my favorite character.
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Dominick Salinas » Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:14 am

(1) My favorite task was creating the signature and avatar - I like these ones for activities because they get you into the spirit!

(2) In future activities, I would like to see engagement in some sort of stimulus related to the activity that we can discuss - reading a short story or news article, watching a film or even a short video clip of something, or viewing an image or piece of artwork. I really love the variety of tasks that are offered though so that you're not doing the same thing and you always have the writing option if you aren't interested in the "creative" task.

(3) I think my goal for the new year is just to be active with HOL and get to know more people.

(4) If I had a penguin, I would definitely name him Señor Benjamín T. Pingüino because penguins are always looking like such distinguished gentlemen and deserve a name to match it!
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Prof. Felicia Hartwick » Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:21 am

Answer these four questions, with as little or as much detail as you would like (obviously put in some effort) :)

What was your favorite task for this activity? My favorite activities were the puzzles... the unscramble words (though there was one word on it had be pulling my hair out)and the cryptogram (love how it makes you use your brain).

What would you like to see in future activities? JIGSAW PUZZLES! I LOVE jigsaw puzzles. I find them relaxing to do.

Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they? New goals? I always try to have a new goal... such as getting the Hufflepuff awards out monthly... but I fail miserably with that one. Life always seems to get in the way and I just never get around to do it.

IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why? If I had a penguin I think I would name it Bic! Why, you ask, well Bic is the name of a famous pen company and the word pen is in the word penguin, so it makes sense... well to me anyway.
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Prof. Will Lestrange » Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:27 am

What was your favorite task for this activity? My favourite task would probably be the research task for Antarctica. I enjoyed writing about the time zone paradox existing there, though I was so tempted to write about the fictitious University of Antarctica instead!
What would you like to see in future activities? Fun puzzles of many different types, along with various video games! Those are the things I tend to enjoy the most.
Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they? These really aren't my thing; I don't like setting goals on a calendar when it's expected that they'll be abandoned within a few weeks! There are things I am striving to achieve, but none tied to the new year.
IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why? Part of me wants to go for the easy opposite joke and call it "Penglose", but something tells me that's already been done. Maybe PengWill, as a penguin avatar of myself or something? This is tricky!
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Ereshkigal Csintalan » Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:26 pm

What was your favourite task for this activity?
I think my favourite task was the Research one (Task 10). I love finding all the weird and strange facts about people, things, place, etc. and I really enjoyed learning about Antarctica as I knew little about it beforehand. I also liked seeing what other people had found out too!

What would you like to see in future activities?
More puzzles and research tasks! I’m not a fan of poetry so I wouldn’t like any more of those. If they are offered, please have an alternative so I don’t have to write a poem. I’m good with anything else.

Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they?
I try to avoid making goals at the start of the year as I tend to not keep them. However, I have a couple of HOL goals I want to achieve- complete all my classes next term with full marks (or as close to that as I can get) and to take part in more of these kinds of events across the forums.

If you had a penguin, what would you name it and why?
I am horrible at giving things a name as I’m one of the most indecisive people on the planet. I usually go to an online name generator and ask for one name and go with that no matter what it is. So the penguin will not be an exception to the rule! His name is now Winslow.
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Adeline Morior » Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:09 pm

1. What was your favorite task for this activity?
I really enjoy the creative tasks where we had to make something or colour in something. I find them to be fun.
2. What would you like to see in future activities?
I would like more fun creative tasks and even puzzles.
3. Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they?
My new years goals are regarding my health. School wise I am eager t be more active and try new classes.
4. IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why?
If I had a Penguin I would name him Pippin because I thing its cute and I love LOTR. I think Pippin the character's silly and clumsiness would fit our short legged wobbly friend.

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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Maeve Madden » Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:16 pm

1) I loved all the puzzle tasks (puzzles are my favourite!). However, my favourites were the writing prompts. I don't usually love writing, but this took me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to use my creativity in a different way.
2) Definitely keep up the puzzles! I wouldn't be opposed to even more puzzle options :D
3) My New Years goal this year is to read more. I've set a goal of reading 30 books this year, and I've already read 4!
4) My penguin would be named Dumpling! I just think it's super cute, considering that penguins are a bit plump. Also, I love dumplings :D
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Kalgri Sicaria » Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:41 pm

What was your favorite task for this activity?
My favourite tasks are always the puzzles!! I love exercising my brain on them! I did also enjoy making graphics - I much prefer those kinds of art tasks than the colouring in ones.

What would you like to see in future activities?
More variety in puzzles - although I liked all of the ones in this activity, it would be nice to try something a bit different.

Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they?
Mainly to be more active and make the most of my weekends by getting out an about. Also to spend money on things I actually want (even if they're expensive), rather than junk food and cheap things I don't need.

IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why?
I would name him Skipper after one of the penguins from Madagascar - my friends and I gave each other codename nicknames from that film when we were kids, and Skipper was mine (although I always preferred Kowalski).
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Lex Green » Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:27 pm

What was your favorite task for this activity?
What would you like to see in future activities?
Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they?
IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why?

1. I love puzzles, so all of my favorite tasks were the puzzle ones, particularly the logic puzzle and the cryptogram.
2. Again, puzzles are my favorite activities so I'd love to see even more of them, but I'd also love to see some different styles of writing prompts (e.g. writing different genres of piece, like the poem task)
3. I have a few personal ones, but one more light-hearted one is to listen to more musicals and other artists! I find myself listening to the same few songs/albums on repeat at the moment, and whilst I love them, I really do need to expand my horizons
4. If I had a penguin, I would name it Gwen. Gwen sounds a bit like pen-GUIN so it makes a little bit of sense (kinda... sorta... maybe) and it's also not the most popular of baby names anymore so it's unlikely there'd be an awkward situation where someone I get introduced to for the first time has the same name as my penguin.
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Harry Walles » Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:35 pm

What was your favorite task for this activity?
My favourite tasks were all the writing tasks as they allowed me to explore and feel like I am fully participating in the event!

What would you like to see in future activities?
I think maybe some more puzzles would be really fun!

Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they?
I want to graduate most classes with 300/300!

IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why?
I would name him Richard. Why? Because why not!
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Re: BONUS Task

Postby Louis Walles » Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:39 pm

What was your favorite task for this activity?
Im a fan of puzzles so of course - puzzle tasks were my favourite. I do not like logic puzzles though.

What would you like to see in future activities?
Of course more jigsaws!

Do you have any new years goals this year? What are they?
I have to hand in my dissertation this May. I really want to work hard for it!

IF you had a penguin, what would you name it and why?
I would name him Penguin. I don’t know why, maybe so I will remember his name :lol:
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