If not Ravenclaw, then where?

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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Arianna Stonewater » Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:01 pm

While I'm a visiting Slytherin, I strive for knowledge, creativity and originality, and if it weren't for my ambition for power I would definitely be a Ravenclaw! I love the people of this house and I'm so glad I get to participate in many of the activities here too.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Alessandra Grace » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:43 pm

I am an intruder from the Gryff Tower, but I have to admit that, even if I love my House, I would have liked being a Ravenclaw... In RL, I often notice that I actually have some of this House's characteristics, like pride, constance in studies and work and so on, but probably I face life in a more Gryff way!

Anyway, now that I'm here (ehy, it took me 5 years but I finally found my way lol), I will try to be more active and know all of you amazing Eagles :cool:


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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Lucy Tyler » Wed Aug 31, 2016 3:00 pm

I'm a Hufflepuff, but I consider myself very almost a Ravenclaw. I have many friends who insist I'm definitely a Ravenclaw- in truth, I have pretty much all the traits of both houses, but if asked to choose, I value compassion over knowledge anyday. Just don't try and take my books or my insatiable curiosity.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Aidan Baker » Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:05 pm

I love Ravenclaw, but i often tnink im probably not as quick as most Ravenclaws. With this in mind hufflepuff would be my next stop. Im just not ambitious enough for slytherin, and gryff is not my thing. In real life i volunteer here and there and want to help others so huffs are a good match i think.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Oliver Strike » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:36 pm

I would probably be in Ravenclaw if I was not a Huffie. I love books, but I am also very loyal!
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Prof. Alexander Brighton » Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:33 am

My second choice would definately be Gryffindor, but i am very very happy in Ravenclaw, it's something different and I like the people.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby AnnabelleGreene » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:16 pm

I did several tests, and I always shuffle between Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor. But recently, I received Slytherin on a test online. And it does feel like something I actually relate to, especially as I grew older. Would like to think I am the type of person who can apply wisdom on my ambition.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Austin O. Black » Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:32 pm

I am a proud Ravenclaw but if not Ravenclaw then Gryffindor. In the States however I'm a Thunderbird.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Samuel Reed » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:23 am

Every test I take always put me into Ravenclaw, I never even gave any thought to what other house i would want to be in Ravenclaw is the best, but since i am in the States I tell what my ILVERMORNY house is, I will have to do more thinking on what other Hogwarts house I wouldn't mind being in. My ILVERMORNY house is Thunderbird
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Shiloh Adlar » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:32 am

If I wasn't in Ravenclaw, I probably would be in Hufflepuff. In fact, when I took a test to combine my Hogwarts houses, I was a Ravenpuff. I have the intellectual mind of a Ravenclaw, but my personality is also very suited to Hufflepuff (if you're not comparing me to Luna Lovegood because I think we are definitely similar in personality as well).

As far as in the US, I would have been sorted into Pukwudgie at Ilvermorny. This house is perfect for me because it is known to favor healers which is what I want to be once I leave Hogwarts. It is also representative of the heart which I think describes me very well. I speak often about living with and sharing love in all aspects of life, so it fits.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Shadow Gaunt » Tue Nov 14, 2017 1:05 pm

I got Ravenclaw by only 13 points more, then Slytherin, then a large margin of about 49, then Gryffindor, then Hufflepuff.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Gail Allen » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:53 pm

Odd that I've never posted here.. I would have been sure I had XD

I think if I wasn't a Ravenclaw I would have been a Hufflepuff. I think a lot of their values are very similar to what values I hold; hard work and loyalty. Those are so important so I think I would feel quite at home there.

How about you Shadow? Do you feel you would have shared values with Slytherin then? And which ones? I am curious since 13 is indeed quite a small margin (One I am happy fell out to our advantage :D )
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Shadow Gaunt » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:31 pm

I think I share the value of ambition with Slytherin and using any means to get my way, even if it is more knowledge. The way I act probobaly seems more Slytherin like, however, my personal values lean towards wisdom and cleverness, not ambition or sneakiness. As the great Albus Dumbledore said, "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Finn Cullen » Tue May 22, 2018 9:17 am

I think I would have ended up in Slytherin if not in Ravenclaw. I know Slytherin get a bad rep in the books but they are largely told from Harry Potter's point of view and he is hardly an unbiased observer, lol, plus the fiction works better with easily identifiable baddies and goodies.

Ultimately Slytherin isn't the "Evil House"; how sociopathic do we think the Founders would have been to try to bottle up all the worst elements in a single House where they would form the Hogwarts equivalent of an internet echo chamber where they just feed on and amplify their own negative attitudes, reinforcing their shallow and controlling behaviour with a feeling of superiority over others and a desire to inflict their wills and standards on other people just for expressing themselves differently? They would be odious little toads indeed if that was the case! Running sneaking to Snape every time they saw something they disapproved of that didn't fit with their own privileged and small minded ways.

To an extent this is how they were portrayed in the books for the reason I mentioned above but I think that if Slytherin existed in reality they would exemplify the positive aspects of ambition and drive, a proactive and imaginative group of people determined to succeed but not at the cost of others, indeed by helping each other out and to succeed as a group. After all if you are determined to be successful you want to have successful allies around you don't you?

I like the idea of a House of people who would find ways to overcome obstacles together, that would forge friendships and alliances that would last a lifetime (or more! Pureblood families live a long time after all and generational influence is important to them) and I think I'd rather belong with them than with the Rugby mob of Gryffindor or the patchouli scented group huggers of Hufflepuff (not that I am knocking those esteemed houses and their approaches - they are perfectly fine and valid, just not for me. If you can't say anything positive, dont say anything at all, that's my maxim).

But on the whole I am happy to be a Ravenclaw - ideas and words are my forte and I can well do without the oneupmanship and intrigues and backbiting that might attend some of the Slytherins.
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Re: If not Ravenclaw, then where?

Postby Janie Peterson » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:41 am

Older topic bit I figured why not post! (:
Slytherin would be my second choice. I've always been torn between Ravenclaw and Slytherin as well. Pottermore says that I'm a Ravenclaw though. :D
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