Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”


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Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Silvana Mandeville » Tue Nov 08, 2022 1:50 am

You squeezed the parchment in your hand tightly, it has your name that you wanted to put on the Goblet of Fire. Even if you qualified for the Triwizard Tournament, you still feel unsure.

The Heat Miser walked to you and asked, "Why are you still here? Still hesitating to take part in the Triwizard Tournament?"

"I'm just worried that I can't finish the match," you said hesitantly.

"Hey, there are many other people who want to participate but they can't because they don't meet the requirements. Why are you wasting this opportunity? Let's cheer up!"

You smiled at The Heat Miser and walked into the Great Hall towards the Goblet and threw your name into it.

The Goblet will know if we lie about our ages, right? In 125 words or more, please introduce yourself to us below for 10 beans. Another 10 beans will be given to you if you completed all Week Two tasks by the end of activity, on November 28th, 11:59 HOL-time.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Rhaneyra Black » Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:27 am

Hello everyone. My name is Rhaneyra Black, I'm 21 years old, and I come from a long line of Pure-Blooded Black family members. I have always been raised, as the eldest, to bring a sort of pride to the family, be it at school or out of it. My hobbies include reading, writing and overall sleeping-. Sleeping is the only place I really feel peace.

I like the color Red and black, as well as purple, ironic since I'm a Ravenclaw with a penchant for Gryffindor colors. My favorite things to watch are anime and certain series and movies. My comfort series at the moment is Heartstopper and The world is still beautiful (anime), even Ancient Magus Bride. For movies I like Howl's moving castle, only because the imagery makes me feel safe.

I am very dry, when it comes to sarcasm, and am quite pessimistic if pushed into something I do not like, but yes, thats a little story about me. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk everyone.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:36 am

My name is Anne-Marie Gagne and I'm the youngest of six children. I'm the first magical person in my family I think. While I'm the youngest (and the only girl) I was adopted as a baby. Maybe my birth family had magical people in it before me. Maybe they were muggles too. I don't know but my birth family holds no bars over what my family is like.

I'm youngest than my youngest older brother by ten years. My parents didn't expect to have another child but my mother was volunteering at an orphanage when she came across me. I was only three and had lived there since I was a baby. My mother and I got on like a house of fire. She loved me from the start. My father was the same way when he came to meet with me. At least that's what they tell me, I don't really remember much about that time, I was only three. The most I remember is being very scared that my new siblings wouldn't like me but also being so happy that they wanted me. Me!

I'm only a first year and I'm definitely not supposed to be even trying to enter my name but I'm tired of always feeling like I'm behind. That I'm not as good as my classmates who have one or two magical parents. No one ever says anything out loud but I can always see it in their eyes. It may not be as big of an issue anymore, and hasn't been for a long time, but there are those few and I want to prove them wrong.

I'll slip it in underneath an older year's parchment as they write their name down. Hopefully they pick my name up as well and put it in for me without realizing.

I'm scared and I have so much to learn still but I have so much to prove as well.

Fingers crossed I don't die.

Yikes. Maybe this is a bad idea. I'm a Ravenclaw, not a Gryffindor. I need to think about this more. I don't have to do it this year.

Yeah, I'll wait until the next go around.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Kalgri Sicaria » Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:50 am

Hi everyone, my name is Kalgri Sicaria, I am 27 years old, and I come from a long line of witches and wizards that have been attending Hogwarts for centuries. Although I am in Hufflepuff, both of my parents were in Slytherin, and they excelled during their time here. I feel that I have learned so much from them to prepare me for my studies here, my mother is particularly skilled at potions, whereas my father specialises more in charms.

I am an only child, but I do not think that I had an isolated childhood - I always had lots of friends, both magical and muggle, and I got to travel all over the world with my parents. I am very interested in history and enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction about the past. I also enjoy playing music and have recently started playing the cello again after a break of several years.

I have been thoroughly enjoying my time here at Hogwarts, participating in all of these activities, and I look forward to new challenges!
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Prof. Will Lestrange » Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:23 am

My name is Prof. Will Lestrange and this is my second year as the Head of Slytherin House. Just two days shy of my 21st birthday, I know I am safely old enough to meet the Age Line for the Goblet of Fire this year. (Since the Goblet is only available every five years, most people never meet the age cutoff while they are a student. For example, five years ago, I was only fifteen - turning sixteen - when the goblet was made available. Therefore, if I want to compete, I need to do so as a professor.)

Well, now that we're past this digression? I am a Pureblood, a Parselmouth, and a lover of all sorts of puzzles and challenges. I may have made a name for myself on the Quidditch pitch, but I have also spent a long time sharing Muggle electronic games with the school; even getting as many of them as possible through the Hogwarts wards!

I can be very competitive when the need arises as I like to play to win (though there are times I need to turn down my competitive nature); as such, it's timem for me to finally put my name in the Goblet of Fire!
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Ereshkigal Csintalan » Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:34 pm

Hey everyone, I’m Ereshkigal. You’re all probably wondering what kind of name that is? My parents thought it would be a good idea to name me after the Mesopotamian Goddess of the Underworld. No idea why, but hey, I like it so I can’t really complain! I was sorted into Slytherin (and no, it wasn’t because of my namesake!). I’m definitely old enough to enter my name into the Goblet as I’m in my 20s. I probably shouldn't be entering my name as my spellwork isn’t my strongest skill, but I’m giving it a go anyway- I like a challenge! The only way to grow and reach my full potential is by leaving the safety of my comfort zone and throwing myself out there! When I’m truly invested in something, I am super competitive and try my hardest to win and/or be the best. But don’t worry, I’m not a terrible loser if I don’t win! I tend to be quite logical in my approach and I don’t tend to give up.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Harry Walles » Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:36 pm

Hi everyone, my name is Harry. Most of you probably already know me or saw one or two of my activities in Hufflepuff! I am a proud badger and I am really active in there. I run the Creative Club, The Wizarding Jigsaw Challenge as well as The Musical Wizards. I also create Perfects Monthly List but this is strictly for Badgers only so you probably did not know about it anyways. I am also a student teachers. I have been teaching Harry Potter: Family Studies for almost two years now, along with two of my original classes - Living with Dinosaurs and The History of Pets.

Other than that, I am married to Louis Walles (who will probably post underneath this post) and we have three children together!
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Louis Walles » Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:02 pm

Hello everyone! My name is Louis and I am in Slytherin. I have joined HOL a while ago, in 2020, when it was the beginning of lockdown. I have stayed since then. That same year, I have received a class called Monsters in Cinema. I have been teaching it ever since. I have also been given another class Werewolves 101 the following school year, as well as I have created my original class Guide to Shapeshifting. I am helping in Slytherin as much as possible and I even am in charge of The Puzzle Corner. If you had been around last month, I helped with this year's Slythoween too!

As mentioned above, I am married to a Badger...We also have a ferret, Thunder. Kind of our pet celebrity here.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Caius Magnusson » Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:55 am

Hello there! I am Caius Magnusson and I am 28 years old. Perhaps we have already met before, either in the Slytherin Forums (which I tend to visit the most) or around the classrooms. I am an ambitious guy who has very high expectations for myself - one could even say that they are unhealthy ones, but I cope more than fine with the constant drive! - and who is in the constant search for self-improvement.

I have a few key interests, including Japanese Kanji (I have recently taken my Kanji Kentei Pre-2 and am awaiting for the results, although I am very confident that I passed the exam), human psychology and world-building. I also enjoy poetry writing, photography and music a lot, with my favourite styles being alternative rock and some modern electronic songs.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Prof. Felicia Hartwick » Sun Nov 20, 2022 8:41 am

Hello All -

My name if Prof. Felicia Hartwick, the proud Head of House of Hufflepuff. I've held this position for ... some years... not really sure. I started at HOL as a First Year way back in the days it first opened its doors. Yes, I have been here a Loooooong time... and I have loved every minute. I worked (loosely) my way up the ranks from student, to Prefect, to Post Grad, to Professor, to DHoH and then some how, the Home Office thought it would be smart to give me the keys to Hufflepuff. I teach Ancient Runes and have done so for many years. (Do you see a pattern here... I've lost track of years for most things). I love taking classes here, had a ball as a student writing up story lines to some of my assignments. Oh the novels I wrote for Ceit's Healing class and Merlin knows my partner in crime, Belle Black gave Don a run for his money in his Dragons class.

Needless to say, I am well beyond the age to be required for to put my name in the Goblet of Fire, but there is no way I would do so. Not now or when I was younger and had a spring to my step. I was never one to join in or participate in events that required physical events... I'm not a runner, I don't play sports and I most certainly not going to volunteer to take part in anything that is dangerous. I'll leave that up to you young folks.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Aurelia West » Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:24 am

Hello everyone! I am Aurelia West, and I have been exploring the castle halls for quite some time. I first found the community in 2011 and was an active first year who somehow managed to win Best Hatchling award. I dipped my tail into Quidditch but never officially played in a game until I returned during the 2016-17 season. Since then, I have poked my nose into just about everything else and now can be found editing the HOwLer and lurking in the Slytherin common room. I’m not around as much as I’d like to be these days, but I will always love and appreciate the strong community here.

I believe that both in and out of character, I am now old enough to put my name in the Goblet of Fire. I’ll admit, the temptation is there. Successful completion of the tasks does come with a lot of glory. I just sometimes wish there was a team aspect, because I’m not too sure of my ability to keep myself alive and uninjured across three dangerous tasks.
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Re: Fire - Task #06. - “The Goblet”

Postby Adeline Morior » Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:33 pm

My name is Adeline Morior. I am a second year Ravenclaw. English is not my first language. I came from a long line of pure-blood Witches and Wizards originated in Africa. I am also an exchange student from Africa. My father dabbled with dark magic as an Auror but has been temporarily suspended from his work and my mother do muggle studies. I am the youngest of 6. I have 3 older brothers and 2 sisters. I have been a very pale and sickly person since youth but am strong willed and motivated.

I am an artist and aspiring author. I am also a gamer and I love to read. My favorite animals are red pandas, foxes, cats and bunnies. I also love owls and jackalopes. I love aquamarine colour. I like to sleep and do puzzles. When I do things, I tend to give it my all. I do not like to leave things undone or to commit and not complete. I enjoy being here and participating at HOL.

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