Week 7 - Hashi


Moderators: Prof. Kendra Givens, Gail Allen

Week 7 - Hashi

Postby Gail Allen » Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:43 pm

Petra is located in a harsh climate where losing your way can mean being caught in the searing heat which may cause serious problems if you did not bring enough water to allow for such a delay. Therefore finding your way between places where you can refill on water is essential.
We will practice this skill with this Hashi puzzle. Even if this is meant to help you find your way over bridges to islands, it will also help you practice finding routes between places where you can fill up on water.


All islands must be connected to other islands with as many bridges as the number stated on the island indicates.
There are no more than two bridges in the same direction.
Bridges can only be vertical or horizontal and are not allowed to cross islands or other bridges.
When completed, all bridges are interconnected enabling passage from any island to another.

Upload your solution to an image hosting site and mail a link to ravenclawevent @ gmail.com (no spaces) with the title "Week 7 - Hashi" to get a piece of this week’s password for the Treasure Hunt, and, of course, earn yourself 10 beans (+5 beans if it is handed in before the 26th of August).
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Gail Allen
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