by Prof. Will Lestrange » Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:31 am
In January 2012, I was invited to take an eight month assignment as a "Tutkijatohtori" (which literally means "research doctor"; essentially it's a postdoctoral position) at a major university in Finland. This meant moving my very cold blooded self from California, known for mild winters, to a country known for extreme cold. But first I stopped off at my parents in Maryland, where I was bundled up for freezing temperature (ironically, when I landed in Finland, it was warmer than it had been in Maryland)!
Even though I had loved Finland from my previous visit there (in the summer of 2007, for a conference), this was an entirely different experience. But I started with a weekend at the hotel I knew from that conference, soaked in everything I remembered loving about the city, and was able to orient myself a little bit when my postdoctoral mentor met me at the hotel to take me to my apartment (and then to the math department). By then, winter had truly set in, so those clothes became necessary... and of course I spent most of the first week simply getting lost everywhere!
Eventually I got my internal compass in order, falling in love with the way the city was planned (very well heated buildings, easy to get around and hide from the element, amazing public transit, great views of nature), making an impression on my colleagues, and even improving my Finnish! It's been over a decade, and I still miss Finland... but not enough to want to spend another winter there!