Part 10 - Going Away


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Part 10 - Going Away

Postby Silvana Mandeville » Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:27 am

Your family move out before you sorted your feelings to Anon. You decided to leave a letter to Anon. After that both of you lost contact, but years later you meet Anon by accident. Anon then told you that they always love you. How would you react to this? Please write your ending with Anon in 100 words or more.
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Re: Part 10 - Going Away

Postby Emily Spencer » Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:11 am

It had been many years since I last saw Anon, though I would be lying to say that he didn’t cross my mind from time to time. The years had been good to me, blessing me with a loving husband, two fine children, and a granddaughter that was the center of my world. Like everyone, however, there were times that ‘what ifs’ played havoc with me, mostly after having a row with my husband, Jack. How I miss him, and though he has been dead for going on 8 years now, sometimes it seems like yesterday.

It was quite by chance that our paths crossed again. At my daughter’s insistence, I had taken up a pottery class, because according to Alayna “a hobby would be good for you, Mother.” The gentleman seated next to me smiled, and we began to chat idly. Almost simultaneously, we caught that spark of recognition, and after class we went to get a coffee where we caught each other up on our lives since we had last seen each other.

The friendship between us blossomed, until one afternoon at our favorite coffee spot, he pulled a letter from his jacket and handed it to me. It was addressed to me, and written in a boyish hand from our high school days. In it, he confessed his love to me, and how he would always regret being too shy to tell me. We laughed rather awkwardly, and I admitted my feelings for him as well. When he stated that we had been ‘utter fools, the pair of us”, I couldn’t help but agree.

We agreed that we were far too old to rush into things headlong, but we were not adverse to see where this would lead. Time will tell, I suppose.
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Re: Part 10 - Going Away

Postby Prof. Will Lestrange » Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:06 am

DISCLAIMER: I had thought of the first nine parts of the activity wrong! When starting the activity, I was imagining it was all set in the present - with me as Slytherin Head of House. I was dumbfounded that Anon didn't recognize me, given how many times I appear, by name, in HOL 101 (but obviously Anon wasn't in my House!) But with the 'many years later', I assume that the first 9 parts were done back in my student days (this is a MODIFIED version of 'in character')!

I had known Anon for just a few weeks in the fifth grade, when I was studying in the US state of Maryland. But when my parents told me the truth about my heritage as a Lestrange, we had to move to England so I could receive my Hogwarts letter in November, even though I wouldn't get to start studying until the next year. I had just enough time to leave my note to Anon before we left the country.

Ten years later, Anon was going on vacation in Scotland. After preparing for my lessons I went for a fly around the castle, and I suddenly recognized a familiar face. I was shocked to see Anon - a Muggle - on Hogwarts grounds! It turned out Anon wasn't a Muggle after all; rather, an Ilvermorny graduate (Thunderbird) visiting the castle. Anon was impressed by my flying (though I wasn't flying straight into walls as I used to) and I told them of my current position. I gave them a tour of the castle and the entrance to the dungeons as they confessed their love to me. It was still way too early for a relationship, but we agreed to stay in touch; we weren't going to let a decade go! And I didn't even need to use my "Head of House" letterhead to win Anon's heart!
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Re: Part 10 - Going Away

Postby Anne-Marie Gagne » Fri Feb 24, 2023 12:08 am

Learning that I had to move away so soon after giving my letter to Anon before we could really explore and sort how we really felt, tore my heart in two. I feel in love so fast and so deeply but I didn't want to say anything to Anon just in case it was too much for them. And to know that we'll not have that chance to explore it? It hurt. And it hurt more when the letters we tried to send kept getting scarcer and scarcer. Until they stopped.

Now it's several years later. We've both graduated and I've moved back to work at the Ministry. One day as I leave work I hear a voice I haven't heard in years. Then I see them, in the distance. Then they see me and they smile so brightly, they've grown so much and only got more perfect in my eyes. But they call my name and wave and I smile back and make my way through the mass of employees in the Ministry. When I get there Anon excuses themselves from their conversation and pull me away, asking how I've been and why I'm back and if I'll be staying. They walk out of the building with me as I answer their questions. They ask if I'm free for dinner and I say yes.

It's at dinner that they ask if I'm with anyone and I tell them no. They give me a smile and say they aren't dating either. Haven't since our thing in school. I ask why not, surely they've had people ask them.

They look me in the eyes, smile, and say "Why would I want anyone else when my heart was always with you?" I cannot hold the gasp that I let out and I reach over to grab their hand across the table.

"I'm glad. You've always had my heart too."
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