Week 3 - Task #8 | Meals on Wheels


Moderator: Amy Smith

Week 3 - Task #8 | Meals on Wheels

Postby Amy Smith » Mon Jul 17, 2023 5:07 am

Food is one of the most important things on the planet that humans need in order to survive. Apart from that, there are many food items that we all love and would love to eat as well. Barry makes one of the most delicious food items at Woodside.

People from all around the world go to Woodside in order to eat the food made by Barry. However, it seems that all of Barry's recipes got lost, some of which were torn apart.

Your task:
Create either a recipe, including the ingredients and instructions, in about 150 words, or write about how you helped Barry find his lost recipes in 100 words.

Please post your descriptions or recipe's below by 25th July 11:59 PM HoL Time.
Amy Smith
Posts: 143
Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:26 am

Re: Week 3 - Task #8 | Meals on Wheels

Postby Lex Green » Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:02 am

Recipe for chocolate brownies:

110g butter
110g dark chocolate
50g plain flour
25g cocoa powder
30g white chocolate
30g milk chocolate
2 eggs
165g golden caster sugar

1. Cut the butter and dark chocolate into small chunks and tip them into a bowl. Loosely cover the bowl with clingfilm and microwave in 10-15 second bursts until completely melted. Leave to cool and preheat the oven to gas mark 4180/160 fan.

2. Sieve the cocoa powder and flour into a bowl. Grease a square baking tray.

3. Cut the white and milk chocolate into small chunks.

4. Break the eggs into a bowl and add in the sugar. Whisk these together until they are thick and creamy. Pour the butter and dark chocolate mixture into the bowl with the sugar and eggs, and fold together. Add in the flour and cocoa powder and fold in. Stir in the milk and white chocolate chunks

5. Pour the mixture into the tin and ensure it is spread out evenly. Bake for 25-30 minutes.
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Lex Green
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Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2022 1:54 pm

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