Week Four - Task #18. - “Trio Be Three”


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Week Four - Task #18. - “Trio Be Three”

Postby Adeline Morior » Sun Sep 24, 2023 6:17 am

After making it back to your dorm safely and assisting the bride to escape, you couldn’t help shake the unnerving feeling of what happened to her. A jealous wizard helped Peeves. Who could this have been? Why did they do this? You sit and ponder over the matter for some time.

Give us your opinion below on what you think happened before the wedding and why someone would want to help Peeves trap and separate the couple. Include who you think this mysterious wizard could be. Keep it between 80-150 words.

Alternatively write a research piece of your choosing in 80 words or more on one of the following topics; (1)Peeves, (2)Hogwarts portraits or (3)Hogwarts ghosts.

This task is worth 15 Beans. Deadline is 11:59pm (HOL Time) on Saturday September 30th.

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Re: Week 4 - Task #18. - “Trio Be Three”

Postby Janne Halla » Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:23 am

I think it's just an ordinary spurned lover and crime of passion, so to speak. The person helping Peeves has fall
en in love with the bride but she doesn't return their affection. The jealousy made them turn to desperate measures.
As for who it is? My first guess would be Sir Cadogan. He's a knight of dubious virtue, especially about his deeds. If there's something transporting us from the current time to the time of the portraits, what's to say there's not something transporting people from the portraits to the current time?
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Re: Week 4 - Task #18. - “Trio Be Three”

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:10 am

In my opinion, the mysterious wizard may have been someone with a deep-rooted grudge or unreciprocated love for any one of the individuals involved in the marriage. It is possible that out of jealousy, this individual sought revenge or simply wanted to create chaos and disrupt the wedding.

The motive behind aiding Peeves could involve personal vendetta, ambition, or simply maniacal motives just to cause chaos "for fun". This individual possibly has a long history with the bride or groom, possibly a former lover or a wronged friend who saw the wedding as an opportunity to exact revenge, or maybe someone close to the couple who doesn't like them being together an enemy from the past, or even a dark wizard seeking to exploit chaos for some sort of personal gain.

However, it is hard to know exactly who this jealous wizard who helped Peeves is, until further investigation into the matter in order to find more evidence that implicates a particular wizard.
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Re: Week Four - Task #18. - “Trio Be Three”

Postby Dawn Diya » Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:15 pm

For me, it sounds like the bride wanted to run from the wedding because of a fear of commitment at the last minute. I believe the reason behind this fear of commitment was because the bride new someone, the wizard who helped Peeves, was attracted to her.

Even though the bride did not return these feelings, she was forced to think about how she would have to spend the rest of her life with her soon-to-be husband. The bride probably started thinking about the "what-ifs" of marriage which caused her to back out of the wedding at the last minute.

The person who helped Peeves separate the couple probably knew the bride. I don't think they new each other very well, but it's most likely they had met before for long enough for the bride to leave a good impression on this wizard.

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Re: Week Four - Task #18. - “Trio Be Three”

Postby Scarlet Robloutain » Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:09 pm

Hogwarts portraits, enchantingly brought to life by skilled witches and wizards, transcend mere artistic representation. These animated canvases don't merely capture a static image; they embody the very essence of their subjects. Endowed with personality, memories, and sometimes a mischievous streak, these living portraits engage in lively conversations and offer insights into magical history. With a unique blend of charm and functionality, Hogwarts portraits become dynamic companions to students, preserving the legacy of the wizarding world within the castle's walls and contributing to the rich tapestry of life at Hogwarts.
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